Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour
Pixel Interpreter: injecting common sense into technology and life.


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  Thursday, August 01, 2002

Honor, Honesty, Ethics and Loyalty

Dave's been rather introspective recently. He had worked very hard for most of his life. And I would like to see him get the respect he has earned and deserves. I am happy to see he is taking in the big picture on life and hope it continues.

Since Dave and I are the same age, I'll share that my introspection happened a couple years ago upon the death of my Father. Dad's death hit me much harder than I would allow anyone to see. But one person who knew me very well saw through me and reminded me that during our lifetime there are certain rights of passage. I could grow up and through this point in my life, if I allowed myself to maintain a quiet, objective point of view and the values in life I had been raised.

It was probably the wisest thing anyone as ever told me-- it took the pressure off. I allowed myself to step back and get perspective on everything and maintain my core values.

Which leads me to today...

Recently I've seen more flames, venom and bullshit thrown around in these online discussion sites than I have in years! It is pathetic. As an old-old online community manager and developer, I never tolerated these flamewars to go on in my forums and I can not understand why they continue to go on uncontrolled.

Today I see people in these so-called discussion sites openly allow users to attack people vs. clarify the facts. Users are allowed lob gross mis-statements and outright lies vs. deal with the facts and try to find a common ground.

It is a pity people aren't skilled in the art of civil debate. Why? Because most of these users lack or were never taught basic good manners. It is a pity they were raised and educated so poorly. They go off hell-bent and are clueless to the fact the truth that normally lies somewhere in the middle. I have learned there is nothing positive or fruitful to come of engaging them. So do not waste the energy to engage them. Walk away. Allow them to flame amongst themselves-- because they will eventually burn out and go find something else to do.

I believe people must be held accountable for the things they say and do. [You are own what you write.] So what if I or some other blogger edits a weblog? As long as what I say or write is factually correct, it is my right to write or say it. If I'm wrong-- engage me. Do not attack me or spread lies. Life's too short.

And finally... There is one interesting thing that happens to these users. The lurkers, those people outside the fray who are reading and watching, take note of their illogical attacks, lies and behavior. Since there are normally a 100-200 lurkers on average to every uncivil flamer, odds are the flamers reputations will preceded them in spaces and places they will never be allowed to tread because of their behavioral display.

In essence-- Karma's a bitch. Let them deal with it.

3:50:07 AM    

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Last update: 9/3/02; 2:01:40 AM. Comments by: YACCS

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