Triangulation. Both Jakob Nielsen and Jeffrey Zeldman ask Microsoft to let users control text size in MSIE/Win. Add my vote too. There are a few sites that I can't read because of text size issues. Some of them don't respond when I manually change the size. Further, MSIE resets the default font size when I choose it manually for one window, making me reluctant to ever set the font size through the menu. Instead I just don't read the sites that set the font size so small that my eyes can't parse the text. While MS is making changes, please also add a user pref that turns off the "open in new window" feature that Zeldman uses on his weblog. It's one of the most irritating things a website can do. [Scripting News]
Dave, Jacob and Jeffery are not the only ones complaining about this. I've long been advocating that *I* want to be able to control the font size on my browser.
Why?Catch this clue-- the number of older, bi and tri-focal users are growing faster than site developers understand. Then there is an entire class of people who have serious eye problems who can't navigate many font types because of vision problems. At 40-something I wear trifocals. And I personally get sick and tired of not being able to read a website inwhich I can not enlarge the font size. Hate to break it to many of you designers out there... but a bright colors on black backgrounds, and those obnoxious little logo backgrounds which cover up 45% of the words are the worst designs for many people to read clearly. Keep the designs simple, sleek and be sure to include reduced sized picture files so the page loads quickly.
12:35:53 PM
General Mills and Simon & Schuster Audio Will Offer First Free Audiobook CDs on Cereal Boxes Near You This Fall
Since Jen's offline right now because of a computer problem, I thought I'd pick up the slack and share this neat thing...
GM and Simon & Schuster announced this morning that they are going to be offering several free audio CD's of S&S's best selling books this fall. Titles include: Stephen R. Covey's, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Who Moved My Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson;A Beautiful Mind, by Sylvia Nasar; The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko; First Things First, by Stephen R. Covey; and Cronkite Remembers by Walter Cronkite.
The selected audiobook CDs are valued up to $30 and are the full retail versions. These books will be available by mailing in the order form from specially marked packages along with two UPC coupons from qualifying cereals, including Oatmeal Crisp Raisin, Basic 4, Wheat Chex, Multi-bran Chex, Oatmeal Crisp Almond, Oatmeal Crisp Apple Cinnamon, and Raisin Nut Bran for $1.35 to cover shopping and handling.
12:09:33 PM
Palm Springs or Bust II
Remind me to tell you about my weekend in this space soon.