...radio free beowulf
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daily link image Wednesday, February 26, 2003

I am reprinting this with permission from Adam Engst. While I may not agree in detail with every point, I agree with his feeling of unease, and concern. I concerns me that this administration makes so feeble an argument for war, and seems to be unwilling to find other solutions. It is one of the most eloquent statements I have yet read in opposition to war...mj

A Personal Statement on War in Iraq
by Adam C. Engst

I'm angry. I'm worried. And I'm sad.

I've refrained from voicing my opinions on this matter until now, but because I've always kept TidBITS personal and despite my reluctance to allow such matters into these pages, I can refrain no longer. Regardless of my utter lack of influence in international politics, to remain silent would be to join those of our leaders whose silent acquiescence I find despicable. Also, although this article reflects my personal frustrations, worries, and fears, other members of the TidBITS staff - Tonya, Matt, Jeff, and Mark - have asked to be included as publicly supporting what I say below.

I'm angry because it looks as though the United States is about to wage war on Iraq without direct provocation, without clear evidence of the existence of weapons of mass destruction, without strong international support, and without even having shown indisputable ties between Iraq and the al Qaeda terrorist network.

I'm angry because the cynic on my shoulder keeps whispering that it's all about oil, that it's aimed at distracting from an inability to hunt down Osama bin Laden, and that it's happening right now so it won't turn into an election-year issue in 2004.

I'm angry because despite a massive public outcry, with protests larger than any since the Vietnam War and the strangest of bedfellows campaigning together against unprovoked war, I hear almost nothing from our elected representatives. If they are against the Bush Administration's saber-rattling, why aren't we hearing fiery opposition speeches, such as came from Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia? If they support Bush's relentless march toward war, where are the attempts to persuade us that we should send our friends and neighbors off to war? Where is the discussion about what the long term goals of a war in Iraq should be? I expect them either to represent the views of the people or to take leadership roles, not to cower in silence.

My anger walks alongside worry. I'm worried about spending hundreds of billions of dollars on destroying and then rebuilding Iraq, money which could be spent in productive ways. And I'm worried not just about those direct costs, but also the effect a war would have on a stumbling economy. Business prospers in times of certainty and optimism, and every step we take closer to war reverberates ominously in the stock exchanges, adding a layer of confusion and doubt on top of already suspect corporate financial underpinnings.

I'm extremely worried that whatever the result of our aggressive actions in Iraq, they will inflame those people already unhappy with America's foreign policies. We may eliminate an Iraqi threat while simultaneously birthing a generation of terrorists. And I worry that the U.S. government's knee-jerk responses to these acts of terror will both further damage our civil liberties and increase racial and ethnic tensions. It's ironic that such a thing should happen here, in a country built on the backs and brains of immigrants from many lands.

Perhaps most of all, I'm worried about the Bush Administration's avowal of a preemptive strike policy. Call me naive, but that's just not how the good guys act. We've already seen other countries trying on the rhetorical fit of preemptive strikes, and it will be nothing but pure hypocrisy if we condemn such actions on the part of others but reserve them for our own use. Talk about the world's policeman caught beating Rodney King.

Bundled up in all of this is an unremitting sadness. I'm sad that we've allowed our leaders to twist words and meanings so far that we live in a continual state of war. Wars are meant to have beginnings and ends, to have clear-cut antagonists, and at least from the side of the good, to have noble goals. (And yes, I'm also naive enough to believe that there should be a side of the good.) First the war on drugs, and then the war on terrorism, which I can't see ending so long as there are people in the world who, for legitimate reasons or not, hate the United States. And now we face an actual war in Iraq. Whatever happened to the desire to live in peace? Does it simply not make a good sound bite? Or have we been at peace long enough that we need war, even an unnecessary war, to remind the population at large of the importance of peace?

I'm sad too that people are going to start dying for all these weak reasons. Scores of Iraqis will die, and Americans will die too, along with men and women from other countries. Don't be shocked - wars kill people, often lots of people. Some of those people will be good, others will be bad, some will have chosen a profession with a likelihood of violent death, others will simply have been born into a situation they couldn't or wouldn't escape.

I'm sad that the world has spawned men like Saddam Hussein, and I'm sad that the U.S. government saw fit in the past to support him with money and weapons. Even assuming he was the lesser of two evils, the fact remains that this country was responsible for aiding the growth of evil in the world. Just as we're told as children not to start fights and to try to get along with others, another of those early lessons is that two wrongs don't make a right.

Lastly, I'm sad that amid all of these concerns, which I am by no means unique in having or expressing, the Bush Administration seems either unable or unwilling to develop creative solutions to the Iraq problem. There's no question the threat of force was instrumental in restarting the weapons inspections and in galvanizing the United Nations, but there's a huge difference between a threat and wholesale war. There are plenty of good ideas out there - are we really so jaded that war is anything but a last resort?

I don't have the answers, and no one in power would listen if I did. But I know that this is not a video game with bonus points and extra lives, and it's not a feel-good action movie with a happy ending after the explosive special effects. Those are fantasies, and the reality is that unprovoked war with Iraq is not an end, but the beginning of a chain of events that fills me with dread.

I do not expect everyone to agree with me, nor do I ask that those who do follow me in any way. Everyone must decide for themselves what to think and say in this situation, as I've done here. What I do expect, and what I do ask, though, is that you act with intention, in accordance with your convictions, and with careful thought toward the long term interests of the entire world. It's the only one we've got.

Thank you Adam...mj
3:35:13 PM    

An Open-Source Opening for Apple
With Microsoft buying Virtual PC, which lets Macs run Windows wares, Apple's independence may well rest with programs such as Bochs.

The deal came like a thunderbolt out of the blue. On Feb. 19, Microsoft (MSFT ) announced that it had purchased Virtual PC, the nifty program from San Mateo (Calif.) software producer Connectix that allows us Mac zealots to run PC programs. For Mac users living in an info-tech universe where Windows dominates, Virtual PC has been a crucial survival tool.

...if I were a fly on the wall at Apple HQ right now, I suspect that it would be easy to confirm that the folks at One Infinite Loop are none too pleased. Steve Jobs has never liked the fact that Apple needs Microsoft more than vice versa. Redmond's deal with Connectix amplifies that point: Now, Microsoft controls two things vital to Apple's survival. The first, Microsoft Office, allows Mac users to converse with the rest of the computing world in the most popular file formats -- Word and PowerPoint documents.

OPEN-SOURCE POWER.  The second piece, Virtual PC, may prove even more valuable than the first. And that's where Apple needs to think out of the Bochs. No, that's not a typo. Bochs is open-source software that functions as a Windows emulator on Unix machines. Apple needs to leverage the power of open source to win much-needed independence from Redmond...more [Business Week]

With the sell out by the Justice Department, Mac users have reason to feel even more ill at ease with Microsoft. The problem is, that MS has no real limits to it's desire to control things. It also has a way of ignoring the things that it shouldn't do. If not for the Bush sell out, the Microsoft legal case could have been described as a disaster. With phony tapes, fake demos, lies, insults to judges, and deceit, Microsift only won because it got an adminsitration that wants trhee things, War with Iraq, unrestrained business, and tax-cuts for the wealthy.

With that in mind, Apple is in a very strange period. It's struggling with a processor line that went from being the Super-Computer, to being an albatross around Apples neck. In the mean time they need to chart a course that gives them room in case Microsoft gets bored supporting Apple, and decides that the remaining share of users just need to be theirs. The cusion is Linux. Microsoft is so distracted by the glare of Linux that it almost sure to focus so much of its resources to deal with that threat. This gives Apple some wiggle room, only time will tell...mj
12:16:52 PM    

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