Updated: 16/02/2005; 10:16:29.
Outwardly Normal 2
Julius Welby's (currently broken) displacement activity web site

16 January 2004

Slightly stressed
I just submitted an on-line job application, about half an hour before the midnight deadline.

I need sleep.

11:49:01 PM    comment()

New Media Knowledge
New Media Knowledge is looking for submissions for their Digital Culture section.

11:34:22 PM    comment()

Which I'm not
If I was using an online dating service (which I'm not), I would want to read this.
If I could remember where I saw the pointer (which I can't), I would add it here, in square brackets, just like the old days.
8:45:49 PM    comment()

When Mars Inspires.

Simply amazing simulation of the current NASA Spirit Mars mission. Can you imagine the complexity associated with an achievement like this? Truly inspiring (and tear jerking). The things we can accomplish when we won't take NO for an answer (and have $800 million to spend). [SIGNAL VS. NOISE]

Who would have thought that a simulated space mission would get me all misted up? Wonderful.

5:50:44 PM    comment()

Following a drugs post, how about sex?
Green Fairy is asking: how many is too many?

12:06:31 PM    comment()

Ecstacy: end of the affair. Leo Benedictus on how Britain fell out of love with ecstasy. [Guardian Unlimited]

Despite its energising effects, ecstasy's early users thought of it as a relaxing drug, best relished in a boudoir full of cushions and naked friends.

Question: If you are in a boudoir full of cushions and naked friends, why do you need the drug? The phrase "guilding the lily" comes to mind.

11:52:44 AM    comment()

A dare [Blackbeltjones Work]
"The BBC should devote all their resources to conquering Space." Genius.

11:22:07 AM    comment()

We Remember. Photograph shows Marines in Iraq spelling out the phrase '9-11: We Remember' [New Urban Legends]
Just out of shot there was another group of Marines spelling out the rest of the message: "That Iraq Had Nothing To Do With It".

10:16:20 AM    comment()

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