Updated: 16/02/2005; 10:16:30.
Outwardly Normal 2
Julius Welby's (currently broken) displacement activity web site

17 January 2004

Ceiling [FTrain]
Paul Ford was possibly going to sleep on my floor on the way back to the States, but bad things happened in New York and he didn't. I regret we've not met, yet. I'm hoping to visit NY before US entry requirements include a colonic lavage and full-body CAT scan. Maybe we can hang out and be alienated together, if that's allowed.

11:52:37 PM    comment()

Improve your XSLT coding five ways. Improve your XSLT coding five ways [del.icio.us/]

Not three ways, not four ways, but five. Five ways. Five.

12:22:20 PM    comment()

The Different Kinds of Trains

Fast, clean, rushing through a sunlit green landscape on smooth, silver rails, into the future.

Wooden cattle trucks head into a dead end track. The occupants who are still alive wonder what's next. The small ones see a flash of grass through a crack and want to run and play. The train finally stops. They hear shouting. What's next?

Heading into Germany from Poland, the escapee stares out of the train window, trying to look natural, breathe normally, praying none of the soldiers or others on the train will talk to him and recognise his accent.

I'm just a beaurocrat, the suited man thinks. I don't make the decisions. I have my wife and children to think of. I have a job to do. Planning. Removing bottlenecks. Results.

For once I sat in the dining car, and ate a good meal, speeding back to London and bad news.


Just Fuji.

11:22:12 AM    comment()

Ulrich Schnauss
I bought the CD of  Far Away Trains Passing By.
Colin at Pixelsurgeon was right about the crying thing.
11:04:18 AM    comment()

Dozign - some nice photography and other work. [Design Is Kinky]

Update: This is one of the best portfolios of work in various media I have seen for a long time.

10:58:46 AM    comment()

War from the air
The BBC have posted a few examples from an World War II aerial reconnaissance photograph library which is apparently being put on-line. I don't have any more information about the library, as the link disappeared almost as soon as I saw it. The final two images are particularly chilling.

Update: The pictures are from the Aerial Reconnaissance Archive. (They go live on Monday, so the link may not work yet).

Update to the update: The ARA site is apparently overloaded at the moment, so it is currently just showing a holding page. Hopefully it will come back up once the initial excitement is over.

8:45:08 AM    comment()

And there's more
Before I go to bed, I must just point to Design Is Kinky's current splash screen.

I'm gone.

12:20:52 AM    comment()

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