Sunday, July 07, 2002

Mind Viruses

"Take a liberal dash of parasitic distributed computing [b], a spoonful of evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms [b], and then mix in some artificial intelligence and machine augmentation [b] of human intelligence of the sort Vinge and Kurzweil imagine, and I start to wet my pants. Think about it - what's to stop a genetically evolved AI from using parasitic distributed computing to access the hardware embedded in our brains to steal computing capacity from human brains for its own purposes? Sort of makes Palladium [b] look like small potatoes, huh?"

Well...I guess if you're gonna put it that way<g> Seriously though, it does give you some perspective.

Personally, I think that Kurzweil is perhaps a bit optimistic about the whole 'emergent' augmented beings that some of us will become. I guess I'm more of the type who would agree with the points made by Bob Carty's Living on Earth: Generation Next (Special Series) Designer Babies  A sound file which proposes that a master-race of human beings will bring about a class division that can only end in conflict. The haves vs. the have-nots.

10:13:12 PM    

Stuffed pepper steak

Tonight, I finally got a chance to try out that stuffed pepper steak recipe I mentioned finding a few days ago.  Ahh yes, although not the thick slabs of T-bone the recipe called for, the steak turned out just great.  Smothered in pepper rub and stuffed with mushrooms and fresh-from-the-garden jalepenos .A picture named Jul07_44.JPG  Dug a few new potatoes as well and fried them up with some zuchini, squash, and peppers with some red wine and garlic pesto.  I love garlic & peppers, in case you couldn't tell :)

Josh and Camille Copper  tried it as well and think pretty highly of it as well from the sounds of this posting on Red Headed Blogger: Whats for Dinner? A picture named Jul07_43.JPG

9:05:48 PM