Monday, July 15, 2002

Tape (2001)

"This is a very daring and extremely unconventional film which will have a hard time finding an audience. Certainly, it will not be for everyone."

We watched this brilliant piece of camera work last night.  The UMF - (ultimate mind %&#)

IMDB's write up says it all:

"...the viewer feels like a voyeur intruding on something that has nothing to do with them - the way Amy herself probably feels when watching these two men. And the camera is constantly drawing attention to itself to the point where it's actually distracting and even infuriating. If the sight of people talking in previous Linklater films felt inviting, this feels more like an uncomfortable situation you can't get out of."

I'm confident that watching this on a big screen would have amplified that feeling even more. 

7:05:09 AM