Thursday, July 18, 2002

Vacation days...

Took a couple days off and toured a few local sites with the family.  It felt really good to get away and clear the mind of work and everyday life.

Took in a "living history" display of the Fort Ancient culture at SunWatch village.  Toured (a small piece of) the aviation history beautifully preserved at the USAF Museum.  And finally, a look at the exhibits at the Ohio Historical Center, including the Ohio Village 1860 "living history" display of life in a small Ohio town of the era.

Very educational.  Very fun.  Very tiring.

9:48:41 PM    

nf0's Life : Hep 0.1.1

"Hep 0.1.1 Hep 0.1.1 is A program for viewing, editing and creating messages that works with RSS, e-mail, weblogs, and more. This is the first release and look promising to bring it all together in one place. There is a screenshot there to check out. I think i'll load this when i get home tonight and see what its all about."

Josh is checking out a Linux blogging tool which appears to do some of what w.bloggar does and more.

6:49:24 PM