Sunday, July 28, 2002

myRadio Aggregator

I'm using the myRadio tool by Mikel Maron.  Still a work-in-progress as Mikel explains, but very functional in my opinion.

myRadio is a digital dashboard styled tool, much like My Yahoo, but based on Radio Userland and desktop aggregation.

Gives Radio a myYahoo-like interface and takes it one step closer to my favorite aggregator: News Is Free  You can categorize your subscriptions into pages and even track your Yahoo Groups subs or even the weather.

Mikel, I made a few small changes to the template I hope you don't mind.  :)   Besides removing the Radio badge, I also made the YGroups part of the 'narrow' sidebar on the left on this particular page.

A picture named myRadio.JPG

7:09:57 PM    

More site updates

OK, got the home page templates back in order (pretty much), but I still need to propogate the changes accross the rest of the site. has added Blogroll Me links to the list of features the service offers.  Kind of neat.  I think it's time for a donation.

7:47:22 AM