Tuesday, January 22, 2002 |
I went looking for a better sleep command for shell scripts and found one called nap.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Created by Ben Okopnik on Wed Oct 31 10:45:14 EST 2001
die "Usage: ", $0 =~ m{([^/]*)$}, " n" unless @ARGV;
select undef, undef, undef, 0.001 * $ARGV[0]
You can use it in a script like so:
# playing games with nap
while [ $loops -gt 0 ];
do for x in - \ | /;
do printf "%c\b" $x;
nap 100;
loops=`expr $loops - 1`;
printf "\n"
This came in pretty handy for what I was doing.
11:16:43 PM
SOAP wrappers on JBoss EJBs
I spent most of the day banging my head on SOAP connections to an EJB deployed inside JBoss. The problem is that soap is deployed as a .war file, which JBoss passes off to Tomcat. The soap code executes in Tomcat, which can't see into the JBoss EJB name space. There are dozens of requests to fix this, and I think each of them eventually gets resolved offline. That's not helping me very much.
This seemed to happen around JBoss 2.2, but unfortunately Mr. Packrat dumped all his old copies of JBoss, rats. I'm going to find a solution eventually.
In the meantime, I seem to have a few problems with returning my errors properly in SOAP. Looks like a bunch of gobblygook.
11:07:36 PM
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