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    Updated: 4/1/02; 12:16:29 AM.


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Tuesday, March 5, 2002

Douglas Adams. "Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'safe' that I wasn't previously aware of." (Courtesy: Quotes of the Day) [Binary by Accident] One of my all-time favorite quotes. [Simon Fell]

California Election Day Version: "Ah, this is obviously some strange usage of the word 'choice' that I wasn't previously aware of.

[Snell's Blog]
10:58:23 PM    

Outliner stuff A very neat (and old) article about outliners. I love outliners, and still use MORE daily. Omni's Outliner is OK, but not good enough.

Why is MORE so much better? In part, because it's a compete documentation application instead of just being an outliner. Much of that power rests in the simple yet elegant cascading style sheets. They are inspectable at every level with markers that show where styles have been added, have flexible indentation rules (in the style settings) and labeling that can be set to several different types and for final production, turned off via top level setting (which children can override). I can easily create documents which look like they came out of Word without the hassle. MORE also dealt with object layer PICT's properly, so if I use a drawing app that can create them (ConceptDraw for example), images in rendered PDF documents look clean. I use Print2PDF to share documents with others this way and it works very well.

MORE also had a few unique outlining features. Hoisting (and de-hoist) is a very powerful mechanism. It allows you to pick a point in the outline and focus only on that area and it's children (folding away the rest of the document basically). I've never seen this one anywhere else. Although kind of awkward at first, the line split and join keys allow quick re-organization (everyone else wants me to play with my mouse, I don't do mice). Promote and demote are bit weird at first (as I recall, it took a while to get to the point where I wasn't sometimes surprised), but also very useful.

Finally, the print preview panel was one of the first introduced and remains to this day better than most I've ever experienced.

MORE was and remains, one of a kind in the world of outliners. [Scripting News]
3:34:06 PM    

One SSSCA opinion Peter Trei has an interesting take on the SSSCA in this satirical article. That's not quite how I see the SSSCA, but it conveys the idea that we keep trying to legally put the cork back in the bottle. Too late for that.
2:56:46 PM    

Civic duty I finally got around to going over to Jonathan's school and voting. Now that it's done I can get back to working an application to gather numbers no one is ever going to want again. Both activities seem somewhat useless...
2:47:53 PM    

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