More Theme fiddling
Playing with Themes
Another theme switch, but not ready for prime time: On my desktop website, I moved the Nav links into the right side of the page so that it's two columns: Left side (75% width) is the title, posts, etc., and the smaller right-side column is the Nav Links above the calendar above the Cloud/Status/Support stuff.
Problem with it is that the "<%weblogEditBox%>" and the "<%weblogRecentPosts%>" don't stretch out to take advantage of this wider space, which was my whole motivation for this change.I probably messed up the table nesting somehow.
(Added later (Friday evening)): Now, all that stuff stretches out just fine in the desktopWebsite, and the #template looks good. But the #hometemplate gets the nav links and the calendar centered vertically in the smaller, right-hand column. So with my "10 posts visible" default, the nav links end up pretty useless. Fooey.
(Still later (Saturday)): That problem went away. I suspect it had to do with the main page not getting updated when I changed its template. R.U. 8.0.5 fixes that.
12:35:50 AM