2004 Presidential Election
President Bush was in Colorado today at Ft. Carson.
Join the Democratic candidates for a debate tonight: "Democratic Presidential Debate in Des Moines, Iowa. You can watch the debate live on MSNBC from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m ET. The debate will be re-broadcast at 9 p.m. ET and 11 p.m. PT." Thanks to Howard Dean's website for the link.
The Daily Kos is reporting that Wesley Clark's campaign has hired former Bob Graham campaign manager, Paul Johnson.
An new Survey USA poll shows Howard Dean on top in Iowa.
NHPrimary.com: "Two new polls show Democratic presidential candidates John F. Kerry and Howard Dean in a statistical dead heat in Kerry's home state of Massachusetts. If the Democratic primary were held tomorrow, former Vermont governor Dean would get 23.5 percent of the vote, while Kerry, the Bay State's junior senator, would receive 22.4 percent, the Eagle-Tribune of North Andover reported Sunday."
Halley is pointing to Andrew Sullivan. Says Sullivan, "Now here's the kicker, as Trippi revealed to Scheiber. Jonathan Tompkins is fourteen years old. And he doesn't only work for free. He's actually bringing money into the campaign coffers."
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