Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Say hello to H2O Conserve. They're into educating water users about conservation. Check them out.
Thanks to The Environmental News Network for the link. They write, "America's waterscape is changing. Climate shifts and population increases are putting pressure on our fresh water sources, leading to record-setting droughts and unprecedented water shortages. As we look for answers to this daunting problem, a new website called H2O Conserve is coming online to show us the way."
"2008 pres"
6:16:00 PM
Political Wire: "A new Datamar poll in Florida finds Mike Huckabee leading the Republican presidential primary race with 24% support, followed by Mitt Romney at 20%, Sen. John McCain at 18% and Rudy Giuliani now back in fourth place at 16%. Two months ago, Giuliani led the GOP race. With little chance of winning the other early states, he has been campaigning nearly non-stop in Florida for several weeks. The Democratic race is confused since the state was stripped of its delegates to the party convention for moving up the primary date and none of the major candidates is campaigning there. Nonetheless, Sen. Hillary Clinton leads the Democratic race with 40%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 28% and John Edwards at 19%."
Bill Clinton (via The New York Sun): "There's just only so much you can do against a tidal wave."
"2008 pres"
6:00:31 PM
Captain's Quarters: "Rockets from Lebanon hit Israel, welcome Bush: So how's that new and improved UNIFIL force working out in southern Lebanon? About as well as the old version, apparently, as rockets rained down on an Israeli town from the sub-Litani region that Hezbollah controls. The UN force appears to have little effect on the terrorist group's ability to launch missiles at Israeli civilians."
"2008 pres"
7:08:04 AM
Political Wire: "In the final Reuters/C_SPAN/Zogby tracking poll in New Hampshire, Sen. Barack Obama expanded his lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton to 13 points, 42% to 29%, with John Edwards at 17%. In the GOP race, Sen. John McCain also widened his advantage over Mitt Romney, taking a 36% to 27% lead, followed by Mike Huckabee at 10%, Rudy Giuliani at 9% and Rep. Ron Paul at 9%."
Political Wire: "On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, the last CNN/WMUR poll in the Granite State shows Sen. Barack Obama leading the Democratic presidential race with 39%, followed by Sen. Hillary Clinton at 30% and John Edwards at 16%. On the Republican side, Sen. John McCain leads Mitt Romney, 31% to 26%, followed by Mike Huckabee at 13% and Rudy Giuliani at 10%."
"2008 pres"
7:01:42 AM

Climate change deniers accuse those of us that are certain that the planet is warming of cherry picking the facts. Then they turn around and cherry pick the facts to support their view. Here's a look at Antarctica's ice sheet from IndyBay. They write:
The climate change deniers never miss a chance to tell us that research is showing the Antarctic ice sheet is actually growing. That sounds like the total amount of ice is increasing and things are just fine ... the globe isn't heating up if it's not happening there ... right? That IS enough to make some people disbelieve the climate scientists because, after all, no one wants to think the climate is going to steadily get worse. We all secretly hope that the deniers are right. Yes, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing in height in the central region, but making just that one point is very misleading and quite dishonest. There is an enormous amount of research that has been conducted on the poles and there is much more to the story than just the increase in snow in the middle of the continent. Indeed the coast is where the real action is.
The leading U.S. climate scientist Dr. James Hansen responded via email saying "The most precise data on the mass of the ice sheets, from the gravity satellite, show that, overall, Antarctica is losing mass, as is Greenland, even though East Antarctica is gaining a small amount of mass."
"All of the models, and the observations, have the central parts of Greenland and Antarctica growing faster because of global warming. This is a consequence of warmer air holding more moisture, thus increasing snowfall. But the net effect of warming on both continental ice sheets is mass loss, the increased melting being a larger effect than the increased snowfall. He also said "The fact that West Antarctica is shedding mass at a substantial rate, even though there is only small warming of surrounding sea surface temperatures, is a telling fact in my opinion, and a likely consequence of the warming ocean at depth, which affects the ice shelves that buttress West Antarctica, as discussed in our paper "Dangerous human-made interference with climate: a GISS modelE study." [pdf]
Read the whole article, they include a lot of detail about the current melting at the poles.
"2008 pres"
6:22:59 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:58:42 PM.