Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Juan Cole: "Shaykh Dr Tariq Khalaf al-Abdallah, head of the National Effort Unification Commission in Iraq, and head of the Al-Anbar Construction Commission, has confirmed that the situation in Al-Anbar is now calm, that the Americans have withdrawn from the small towns and villages and have also pledged to withdraw from the centres of Al-Fallujah and Al-Anbar. In an interview with Al-Arab al-Yawm, he said that they are moving forward with plans to rebuild Al-Anbar and that studies are under way to restore the electricity supply, maintain the Bayji pipeline to Al-Anbar, and build modern refineries."
"2008 pres"
6:41:49 PM

Environmental News Network: "The deadline for nomination forms for the 2008 National Wetlands Awards Program has been extended by 15 days. The National Wetlands Awards Program honors individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the conservation and restoration of our nation's wetlands. All submissions for the 2008 Awards program must be received by January 31, 2008.
"2008 pres"
6:38:43 PM

New West: "A report released today by the Geothermal Energy Association said that new geothermal projects soon to be developed out West will double the nation's capacity for the renewable energy source...Projects that are, or soon to be underway are found throughout the West, including Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. These projects could provide up to 3,368 megawatts electric power, more than doubling U.S. geothermal power capacity from 2,936 MW to almost 6,304 MW, according to the Environment News Service. The new figure would be enough to provide energy for six million households."
"2008 pres"
6:31:28 PM
Political Wire: "The latest Pew Research national poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the Democratic presidential race with 46%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 31% and John Edwards at 13%. On the Republican side, Sen. John McCain leads with 29%, followed by Mike Huckabee at 20%, Mitt Romney at 17% and Rudy Giuliani at 13%."
Political Wire: "The Detroit Free Press notes an interesting finding from the Michigan exit polls: Sen. Hillary Clinton's support among black voters was just 30%, with 68% going to 'uncommitted.' Since the contest was non-binding and several major candidates were not on the ballot, the exit polls may not actually be indicative of Michigan Democrats who would come out in a contested primary. However, they do indicate that Clinton's recent sparring over race with Sen. Barack Obama may have hurt her among black voters."
Political Wire: "Political Wire got an advance look at a new Strategic Vision in Florida poll that shows Sen. John McCain leading the Republican presidential race with 27%, followed by Mike Huckabee at 20%, Rudy Giuliani at 18%, Mitt Romney at 17% and Fred Thompson at 10%."
Political Wire: "A new American Research Group poll in Nevada shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the Democratic presidential race with 35%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 32% and John Edwards at 25%. On the Republican side, Mitt Romney leads with 28%, followed by John McCain at 21%, Fred Thompson at 13%, and Rudy Giuliani at 11%, with 10% undecided."
Here's a roundup of coverage of last night's Democratic debate in Nevad from Political Wire.
Captain's Quarters: "Two truths came out of Mitt Romney's big win in Michigan last night. First, Romney can win a hotly-contested state, proving his organizational strength when New Hampshire and Iowa had suggested otherwise. And second, Rudy Giuliani's view that the early states would not matter has largely been vindicated. And Republicans will have a lot more work to do before they settle on a single candidate."
"2008 pres"
6:19:23 PM
Rocky Mountain News: "Mitt Romney scored his first major primary victory Tuesday in his native Michigan, a win he desperately needed to give his candidacy new life and set the stage for a wide-open Republican showdown in South Carolina in just four days...The former Massachusetts governor defeated John McCain, the Arizona senator who was hoping that independents and Democrats would join Republicans to help him repeat his 2000 triumph here. Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, trailed in third, and former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson was waiting for the top three candidates in South Carolina, and campaigning."
"2008 pres"
7:35:39 AM

From The Deseret Morning News, "Whether nuclear power plants are ever built in Utah may depend on perceptions about their safety. Nuclear power 'now generates as much global electricity' as was produced by all sources 50 years ago, according to the World Nuclear Association, an industry group based in London. Nearly 440 nuclear reactors are at work around the world, and 15 countries rely on nuclear power for at least a quarter of their electrical needs...According to the federal Energy Information Administration, as of October 2005, 104 nuclear plants were operating in the U.S. Last year the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said utilities notified commissioners they intended to build about 24 new plants."
"2008 pres"
7:04:20 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:00:48 PM.