Sunday, January 13, 2008

From The Rocky Mountain News, "Activists targeting August's Democratic National Convention are developing a sophisticated protest plan - one including a different demonstration 'theme' each day. In addition, organizers intend to help individual groups aim their protests to specific state convention delegations, and hope to throw a five-day festival in Civic Center with music, a health clinic, and even meals for the homeless. 'We know that people are going to be coming to Denver from around the country for this event, and it seems silly not to take advantage of it,' said Mark Cohen, one of those involved in the planning. 'It's an opportunity for those people to make connections with each other and share their concerns.' Cohen's group is one of more than two-dozen involved in protest planning, which is being overseen by an organization calling itself Recreate 68."
At one of the "Convention Conservations" meetings up in Boulder, Leah Daughtry assured participants that the Convention planners will accommodate protesters.
"2008 pres"
9:35:27 AM
From The Rocky Mountain News, "Colorado could become the third state to vote for president by mail this fall. Oregon has been voting exclusively by mail since 2000, as have all but two counties in Washington state. The Colorado County Clerks Association is pushing for a law allowing an all-mail election for 2008. And some legislative leaders favor that system. But the proposal faces stiff opposition from local voting activists and some clerks, most notably Denver elections officials. And experts say the approach is risky."
"denver 2008"
9:25:36 AM
beSpacific: "Pew Research Center Report: Internet's Broader Role in Campaign 2008 - Social Networking and Online Videos Take Off, Released: January 11, 2008."
"The internet is living up to its potential as a major source for news about the presidential campaign. Nearly a quarter of Americans (24%) say they regularly learn something about the campaign from the internet, almost the double the percentage from a comparable point in the 2004 campaign (13%). Moreover, the internet has now become a leading source of campaign news for young people and the role of social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook is a notable part of the story. Fully 42% of those ages 18 to 29 say they regularly learn about the campaign from the internet, the highest percentage for any news source. In January 2004, just 20% of young people said they routinely got campaign news from the internet."
"2008 pres"
8:11:52 AM
Political Wire: "A new Detroit Free Press Michigan Poll finds Mitt Romney leading Sen. John McCain, 27% to 22%, with Mike Huckabee in third at 16%."
Political Wire: "A new American Research Group poll in Michigan shows Sen. John McCain leading Mitt Romney, 34% to 27%, with 15% for Mike Huckabee...On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton leads the uncommitted line 57% to 29%. No other major candidates are competing since Michigan Democrats violated national party rules in scheduling their primary."
Captain's Quarters: "Fred Thompson seems to have come alive in South Carolina; his campaign reports that they've had to shut down at least two events because supporters have overcrowded the venues. His joltingly aggressive performance on Thursday has people wondering where this Fred has been -- and hoping he sticks around."
Josh Marshall: "The Nevada State Democratic party has set up nine at-large caucus locations on the Las Vegas strip for casino workers who might not otherwise be able to caucus on January 19th. Remember, because of the recent Culinary Workers Union endorsement of Barack Obama, casino workers are expected to vote heavily for him. Now, the Nevada State Education Association (the state teachers' union), which is seen as supportive of Clinton though it has not formally endorsed her, is suing the Democratic party to prevent block those at-large caucuses from meeting on the grounds that similar arrangements have not been made for other Nevadans."
Political Wire: "Everyone assumes that the most important New Hampshire primary development was the comeback of Sen. Hillary Clinton and the blow to the juggernaut of Sen. Barack Obama. Those developments were undeniably momentous, but in the long run, a case could be made that the Republican result -- the victory by Sen. John McCain, which not only brought his campaign back from the dead but also installed him as the race's nominal frontrunner -- may end up having a bigger impact on the Democrats' chances of retaking the White House in 2008. According to an extensive, but apparently little-studied, trove of polling data produced by SurveyUSA, McCain performs significantly better than other members of the GOP presidential field when matched head-to-head in polls against both Clinton and Obama."
Political Wire: "As expected, the latest CNN/Opinion Research survey finds the results of the Iowa and New Hampshire have impacted the national standings of the candidates. For Republicans, Sen. John McCain has rocketed into the lead with 34% support, followed by Mike Huckabee at 21%, Rudy Giuliani at 18% and Mitt Romney at 14%. For Democrats, Sen. Hillary Clinton still leads with 49%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 36% and John Edwards falling to 12%."
Political Wire: "A new SurveyUSA poll in Flordia finds Rudy Giuliani -- who had led the Republican presidential race by as many as 14 points in the state -- today trails Sen. John McCain by 8 points, 27% to 19%. Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee at 17% and Mitt Romney at 17% threaten to pass him as well."
"2008 pres"
8:08:13 AM
TalkLeft: "Todd Beeton reporting on an Obama event in Nevada: '[I]mmigration, as you might expect, is going to be a big issue in Nevada, as it was not in NH...There were two distinct schools of thought represented in the audience, a nativist demo and an immigrant demo and Barack threaded the needle quite ably when he said he supports a path to citizenship but that it's not fair to give them special priv[i]leges, the undocumented population must pay a fine and must learn English. That last one got a huge reaction'
"Perhaps it becomes less surprising to learn, as Taylor Marsh reports, Latinos are firmly behind Hillary: 'There is not only no exodus, but Clinton Hispanic support is mushrooming. Leaders in that community are actively engaged for Clinton here and today had to mean a lot to all of them. Hispanic leaders that the community respect showed up, including local politicians.'"
"2008 pres"
7:55:14 AM
Fark.com "U.S. officials do not believe the white boxes dumped in the Persian Gulf by Iranian speed boats were any threat to coalition ships. Officals now believe boxes only contained uncounted votes from the 2000 US election."
"2008 pres"
7:49:26 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:00:00 PM.