Politics West: "The Denver Sheriff Department is preparing to handle up to 3,000 arrests during the 2008 Democratic National Convention, reports Chuck Plunkett [Denver Post]. In addition, the county courts are clearing their normal schedule for convention week and are setting up an additional courtroom to handle arraignments for those who can't bond out, according to Andrew Armatas, the presiding judge."
Colorado Confidential: "The American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado announced the filing of a lawsuit against the city of Denver and the U.S. Secret Service today in an effort to disclose plans for an anticipated demonstration zone during the Democratic National Convention in August and to obtain more information about parade routes and permits during the event. Plaintiffs in the case consist of a total of 12 groups that plan to hold actions during the convention, including Recreate 68, the American Friends Service Committee, the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center and Citizens for Obama..."No one will tell us what these restrictions are," Silverstein said. "We've been trying to find out for a year what these restrictions are." Plaintiffs say they also want to know more information regarding parade routes and the parade permitting process during the convention, which has not yet been disclosed...Representatives with Recreate 68 and the ACLU say they have been meeting with the city to discuss issues like zones and parade routes since last summer, but say the talks have not succeeded in any information. Silverstein also said that the suit was somewhat unprecedented in that his organization is filing legal papers regarding First Amendment rights when security plans for such rights have not been disclosed."
"2008 pres"
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