Coyote Gulch's 2008 Presidential Election


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  Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dave Winer: "There's no doubt now, Obama is going to be the Democratic nominee, and very likely the next President. I doubt if McCain has the sense of entitlement that HRC had but he's going to run on experience, and we don't want experience, we want intelligence, honesty and change."

"2008 pres"
6:15:59 PM    

A picture named hurricane.jpg

NASA: "The first cyclone of the 2008 season in the northern Indian Ocean was a devastating one for Burma. According to reports from, Cyclone Nargis made landfall with sustained winds of 130 mph and gusts of 150-160 mph, which is the equivalent of a strong Category 3 or minimal Category 4 hurricane. News reports stated that several thousand people have been killed, and thousands more were missing as of May 5."

Click through to see their photos of the destruction.

6:10:09 PM    

Political Wire has a bunch of links to the experts that know what Hillary Clinton next steps should be.

The Moderate Voice is running a long post on the winners and losers in the Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

"2008 pres"
5:51:40 PM    

Andrew Sullivan: "Black conservatives and Obama."

Andrew Sullivan "Here's what now seems obvious: African-American voters killed the Clinton candidacy. It is a fitting end to the Clintons' campaign and an almost Shakespearean coda to their career."

"2008 pres"
5:45:29 PM    

Oliver Willis: "John McCain has been the nominee of his party for over a month now. He has no active opposition, no figure on his side of the aisle contesting him for leadership of the Republican party and the conservative movement. And yet, Republicans are still voting against him. In Indiana McCain pulled in 77% of the vote, and he made an even worse showing with 73% in North Carolina. Even more troubling for McCain is that Huckabee is the leading protest vote. That's the religious right vote, the anti-choice crowd and the bedrock of President Bush's re-election victory."

"2008 pres"
5:42:38 PM    

Juan Cole: "Barack Obama pulled closer to clinching the nomination last night, widening his lead over Hillary Clinton in voted delegates and in the popular vote. He overwhelmingly took Indianapolis and narrowed her earlier lead to only 2%, about 20,000 votes out of the hundreds of thousands cast. Obama even got 35% of working class whites in Indiana, which suggests that while Clinton is stronger with that constituency, Obama has an appeal there as well. He is clearly raising far more money than she, so voters are voting for him with their pocketbooks."

Click through for a roundup of yesterday's elections from Cole.

Our blog friend Ed from North Carolina said last night in email, "I'm happy to be in an Obama county in an Obama state."

TalkLeft: "What Clinton should do: Whatever she feels is right. She has earned that. My own view is she should run her campaign against John McCain. She will win West Virginia and Kentucky by huge margins. She might even challenge Obama in Oregon. What she should not do, imo, is run against Barack Obama. If there is a path to the nomination for her, and I doubt there is, it won't come from attacking Obama now."

Oliver Willis: "Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee for President: You know it. I know it. Obama knows it. And maybe even Clinton knows it. Now the superdelegates need to ratify the results of the primaries and on to the general election and the (knock on wood) exile of the Republican party and the conservative movement from our government."

"2008 pres"
6:46:50 AM    

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