Thursday, May 22, 2008

grist: "The House approved legislation today that renews billions of dollars in tax breaks for wind, solar, biomass, and other renewable energy sources, and extends a proposed new tax credit for biofuels derived from sources other than corn...The bill includes a six-year extension of the investment tax credit for solar energy; a three-year extensions of the production tax credit for biomass, geothermal, hydropower, landfill gas, and solid waste; and a one-year extension of the production tax credit for wind energy. There are also incentives for the production of renewable fuels such as biodiesel and cellulosic biofuels, incentives for companies that produce energy-efficient products, and incentives to improve efficiency in commercial and residential buildings. Congress has been trying to get these tax credits for clean energy through for a year. The bill is likely to face tougher opposition in the Senate, and the president has already threatened to veto it."
7:01:15 PM
Juan Cole: "Guerrillas assassinated Colonel Abdul Kareem Muhsin, the director of the protection department in the ministry of transportation, in East Baghdad. An attempted assassination by car bomb of an Iraqi court judge who has his seat in Abu Ghraib left him severely wounded. Then 'Four civilians were injured in a bomb explosion in Beirut intersection in east Baghdad around 8:00 a.m.'; and 'Three civilians were killed and nine others wounded in a parked car bomb near Sa'a restaurant in Mansour neighborhood in west Baghdad around 3:00 p.m.'; and 'Four civilians were wounded in a parked car bomb in Harthiyah, part of Mansour neighborhood in west Baghdad around 3:00 p.m.'"
"2008 pres"
7:00:47 PM
Political Wire: "Despite Sen. John McCain's call for the U.S. to win the 'hearts and minds of the Islamic world,' ABC News reports that he 'recruited the support of an evangelical minister who describes Islam as anti-Christ and Mohammed as the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil.' At a campaign stop in Ohio, McCain introduced Pastor Rod Parsley as 'one of the truly great leaders in America, a moral compass, a spiritual guide.' Now, Parsley's views 'and his connection to the McCain campaign are now beginning to show up on Arab Web sites and newspapers.'"
"2008 pres"
6:58:07 PM
Political Wire: "A new set of Quinnipiac polls show Sen. Hillary Clinton is the stronger candidate against Sen. John McCain in the swings states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Florida: Clinton 48%, McCain 41%; McCain 45%, Obama 41%. Ohio: Clinton 48%, McCain 41%; McCain 44%, Obama 40%. Pennsylvania: Clinton 50%, McCain 37%; Obama 46%, McCain 40%."
"2008 pres"
6:56:42 PM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:26:47 PM.