Saturday, May 24, 2008

Politics West: "Democrats on Thursday released the names of the 12 at-large delegates for the Democratic National Convention, rounding out the list of 70 Coloradans for the Aug. 25-28 gathering in Denver, reports The Denver Post."
"2008 pres"
7:32:31 AM
Political Wire: "A new SurveyUSA poll in Ohio shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. John McCain by nine points."
"2008 pres"
7:30:17 AM

From the 2008 Republican National Convention weblog: "With Saturday marking 100 days to the start of the 2008 Republican National Convention, and taking to heart the call of Sen. John McCain to serve a cause greater than one's own self-interest, convention President and CEO Maria Cino today announced a national YouTube video contest with the winners attending the convention held at the Xcel Energy Center, Sept. 1-4... The YouTube contest extends the convention's American Neighbor Volunteer Program to a national level by asking people across America to submit videos profiling those whose efforts echo the American Neighbor mission: 'I can help my neighbor. I can make a difference in my community.'"
"2008 pres"
7:29:07 AM
Politics West: "'We're disappointed in John McCain's statement on California's Supreme Court ruling,' said Tom Minnery, a senior Vice President with Focus on The Family, during a phone interview with Denver Post reporter Kimberly Johnson."
"2008 pres"
7:18:40 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:27:32 PM.