Thursday, August 18, 2005
The Colorado Pols are reporting the Bill Ritter is defending Referendums C and D in a press release they received today. They write, "Ritter took aim at John Andrews, Marc Holtzman and Bob Beauprez over Referenda C&D. The salvo was a response to an article in today's Rocky Mountain News about a new ad from the 'NO on C&D' camp funded by Andrews' Backbone America Citizen's Alliance. The ad takes a partisan angle by portraying all Ref. C&D supporters as Democrats, which is a decent political strategy. What concerns Ritter, and in fairness is more than a little sneaky, is the 'fuzzy math' the ad speaks of."
Category: Denver November 2005 Election
7:42:22 PM
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Last update: 9/8/05; 10:55:44 PM.