Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Wednesday, August 24, 2005

U.S. Senator Ken Salazar does not plan to run for governor, according to the Rocky Mountain News [August 24, 2005, "Salazar says no to bid for governor"]. From the article, "Rookie Sen. Ken Salazar told his inner circle of trusted advisers and friends he won't run for governor next year...signals some concern about the lone Democratic candidate so far, former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter, and his anti-abortion stance. Sondermann said the interest in Salazar could also indicate problems with other possible nominees, including Senate President Joan Fitz-Gerald and Speaker Andrew Romanoff."

Meanwhile Peter Blake, in his column in today's Rocky, indicates that Marc Holtzman will petition onto the primary ballot if necessary [August 24, 2005, "Blake: Holtzman has hole card"]. From the column, "Last Saturday rival Bob Beauprez captured 78 votes to Holtzman's 16 in a straw poll conducted at a Larimer County GOP barbecue. But Holtzman had boycotted the event because the county's GOP executive committee had provided Beauprez with lists of Republican voters days - or perhaps weeks - before giving them to Holtzman. Thus Beauprez had more time to turn out supporters."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:09:09 AM    comment []

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Last update: 9/8/05; 10:55:48 PM.

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