Thursday, August 25, 2005
Susan Barnes-Gelt is encouraging my boss, Mayor Hickenlooper, to run for governor next year [August 25, 2005, "Why Hickenlooper should run for guv"]. She writes, "As to Democrat candidates, former district attorney Bill Ritter is the last man standing - so far. But he faces challenges: He's anti-choice in a party where female voters outnumber men; he was consistently pro-police during his stint as DA; and fundraising will be difficult for this thoughtful introvert. Enter Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, whose skills are particularly well-suited to successfully run and serve as governor."
Here's the link to Draft Hick(enlooper).
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:57:53 AM
© Copyright 2005 John Orr.
Last update: 9/8/05; 10:55:50 PM.