Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Rocky Mountain News is reporting that Bob Beauprez is on the stump running for Governor Owens' job [August 27, 2005, "Beauprez takes folksy tone on tour"]. From the article, "Beauprez, the former Boulder County dairy farmer turned banker turned GOP congressman, shared farm war stories Friday as he campaigned at the monthly Highlands Ranch Republican Breakfast Club meeting...He said Ref C does not fix the root problem of conflicting constitutional amendments that put the state in its current budget fix. The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights limits government spending and requires that surplus funds be returned; Amendment 23 mandates increases in school funding, regardless of the economy."

Bob Ewegen's column in today's Denver Post profiles Bill Ritter [August 27, 2005, "Ritter vs. Holtzman, Beauprez"]. Ewegen writes, "Former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter isn't just the only Democrat running for governor. He's also the only candidate for chief executive in either party who is supporting Referendums C and D, the Colorado Economic Recovery Act twins."

Colorado Pols: "Last night Republican gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman launched something called a Technology Town Hall, which is a patented new technology that apparently tries to replicate a traditional "town hall" meeting through a phone line."

Category: Denver Novmeber 2006 Election
8:31:39 AM    comment []

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Last update: 9/8/05; 10:56:05 PM.

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