White is Green
It sounds philosophical, and probably is, but that phrase refers to Hal Glicksman's RWB color theory in which white replaces green as a primary color. More than that, white is defined as a very bright green. Sounds deuteranopic to me.
Reviewing the color theories of Johann Goethe and Ed Land it all makes more sense. Color as percieved by the human eye (or as translated by our brains) is a complex system not perfectly mapped to wavelength.
(In an epithany I realized this is the same phenomenom that makes some red wine appear purple, which 2 year old Olivia confirmed this evening.)
Goethe's work resulted in a color wheel only slightly different than our modern color picker, and introduced the notion of complementary colors. The wheel contined six colors, as opposed to Newtons seven (ROYGBIV) and connected the red and violet ends of the spectrum through the nonspectral color, magenta.
Magenta | Red |
Violet | Yellow |
Blue | Green |
My external hard drive would not mount yesterday morning, so I got to go to the Apple store in Chandler Fashion Mall. Thanks to Disk Warrior it's ok now.