This guy just appeared over the weekend in the parking lot at work, as did the crack in the wall. I wanted to play with dichromatic pictures, but didn't have any filters with me, so I used my BlueBlocker sunglasses. Sorry 'bout the vignetting, but it kinda makes it look like a pinhole picture.
Although I don't think there's any connection at all, this 'graffiti' is about 50 paces due east of the Elevator of Turin.
27 years ago,
or was it just five, I wrote a Wiki in Frontier. XML had just been invented, and I wanted to play with it, so I tried cooking it into the Wiki. (RSS was not yet even an eye twinkle.) I asked some questions on the Frontier mailing list.
Chuck Shotton, the Bringer of Internet to Macintosh, answered my (very basic) questions. I had been thinking about using alternate editors for webpages, and did not mean to create a need for syndication, but hey.
Finally, RSS and weblogs and all that stuff made web writing easy, so I quit working on Wacky (the Wiki.) It doesn't work in XML at all any more, because the state of the art tool when I quit working on it has depreciated, and I no longer support it. Which brings us to the current RSS vs Echo issue.
Echo is being pushed as a replacemant for RSS. But I worry that Echo may already be owned by some big company, or at least tied up in their litigatory legalities. Listen Echo guys, RSS (mostly) works. I'm not sure that I want IBM or whoever deciding how my content is represented, anyway.