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Saturday, January 3, 2004

This morning I came across an 0.015 inch (+/- 3 mil) pinhole I had made a few years ago from a piece of thick copper foil. I put a dimple in the copper by tapping a nail into it without breaking through. Then, using a fine grit sandpaper (200-400) I sanded off the opposite side (the 'outie' side) of the dimple until a tiny round hole appeared. Made this way, the hole is very round, and has a smooth edge.

So, naturally, I held the pinhole over the front of the digital camera, after removing the lens:

Ok, it's kinda blurry and there's some noise. Well, the pinhole is about 15/1000 inch in diamerer, and the front of the lensmount is 2 inches from the sensor plane, so that's about f/133, so I shot at ISO 6400, which took four econds at that! Any longer and the cat would have walked off. It's a different cat than yesterday's picture, by the way.

Infrared filters from Harrison & Harrison. Two 89B filters - the same as the one I made for the 950 camera - but glass (or, more likely, laminated) and built like tanks, arrived* today. I got home just in time for the last half hour of daylight:

Here's another picture, of the same scene, looking right to see the moon, a powerline and some shrubs. And here's the moon, closer:

I can tell, these are gonna be good.

I'm tempted to rant about the Post Office, but I'll refrain.


© Copyright 2004 by Chris Heilman.