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Tuesday, January 13, 2004

What is up with Radio? Every post I've made for the last week has taken at least two attempts at publishing until it actually showed up. I tried to upstream the animal photos this afternoon, and the process (which usually takes a minute at most) took nearly an hour with maybe half a dozen attempts.

Since I'm in photoblog mode lately, this could get frustrating.

Monkey see ...

Monkey do ...

I took my new AF-S 24-120mm f3.5-5.6 VR G Nikkor to the zoo to check it out. The vibration reduction technology seems to work well, as these shots were made at less than 1/60 second, at a focal length of 120mm. Oh, they're not really monkeys either. The top one is a contemplative orangutang and the bottom two are copulating baboons. I would have shot contemplative baboons, but there weren't any.

The tiger sleeps a lot:

And the great horned owl swore at me the whole time I was in his enclosure.

Nice sharpness on the owl though, doncha think?

© Copyright 2004 by Chris Heilman.