Updated: 8/1/2004; 7:37:36 AM.
Bruce Landon's Weblog for Students
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Saturday, July 03, 2004

Faculty Self-Study Research Project: Examining the Online Workload - Melody M. Thompson, JALN. ABSTRACT: Concerns about faculty workload in the online environment are a reported deterrent to participation in online teaching. To date, such concerns have been based primarily on anecdotal evidence rather than empirical research. This paper describe [Online Learning Update]
2:55:49 PM      Google It!.

More on CrossRef search. Cara Branigan, New search service creates 'Google for scholars', eSchool News, July 1, 2004. Excerpt: "Internet searches might become faster and more fruitful for students, scholars, and other academics as early as this year, thanks to a new pilot program being developed as a free service spearheaded by Google, the world's leading internet search engine. The initiative, called CrossRef Search, combines Google's popular search technology with the archives of up to 300 leading scholarly publications, allowing researchers to separate Google's typical search results from high-quality, peer-reviewed, scholarly content." [Open Access News]
2:50:27 PM      Google It!.

China Deploys IPv9 Network [Slashdot]
2:33:49 PM      Google It!.

A Video Projector That Fits In Your Pocket [Slashdot]
2:31:14 PM      Google It!.

FourHead: One PC, Four Users [Slashdot] 60 user computer lab with 15 machines

2:27:31 PM      Google It!.

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