Dragon NaturallySpeaking - Much to Jonathon's amusement I bought a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking yesterday. It seems to be a good piece of software although at times I wonder whether it really should be called comedic software.
I had my son being in my office with me when we did the installation and after reading through Alice in Wonderland - Through the Looking Glass - to acclimatise Dragon to my voice, we began doing some test runs. At first everything seemed to go fine. But then some strange things popped in. They're beginning to pop in again.
I'm sitting in my office trying to complete a paper that is due tomorrow on "attribution theory and smoking cessation." It to be a pretty straightforward paper write, however I find the task of sitting down and writing in other people's words, which is the want of psychological writing, not an easy task.
I never seems to be lost for words. That's why it's so difficult to understand why it's so hard to put together words in the seemingly simple and straightforward manner. Trying to assemble the words of four different authors over three decades whose writing style so different, and whose outcomes are so different - seems to be no easy task for me.
But then again I guess most have you will spend hours labouring over the formation of sentences, paragraphs, abstracts, methods, discussions, conclusions - although it seems as though such a small part of life.
So what is it so hard then?
"Probably because you've left till the very last-minute," says an annoying little voice on the back of my head. "Well, that could be the reason," I answer pathetically.
0 well, I have just post this and get right back to it.
11:36:35 AM