Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:53:09 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Wednesday, 15 May 2002

larbin_2.6.2 larbin2.6.2@unspecified.mail - Does anyone know what spider leaves this trail? 7:08:38 PM    Comments ()  

Waiting - Waiting is hard. I'm waiting on some news. It was all due today. One piece is delayed till next Wednesday. Another is trickling along. You'd think it would get easier, the older you got, wouldn't you? Well it doesn't really, although you do have more interruptions to temporarily distract you when you're older. 4:43:10 PM    Comments ()  

Brainwashed by cult - Google - don't buckle!

"The Church of Scientology has paid $US8.7 million ($16.1 million) to a man who claims he was brain-washed. He later became a recruiter and signed a "billion-year" contract to serve the church, whose high-profile members include celebrities Tom Cruise, Lisa Marie Presley and John Travolta.


4:41:08 PM    Comments ()  

Which part of "tabloid" don't you understand? - "A report about the sexual exploits of American sailors at a Perth brothel has outraged the wives and girlfriends from a naval community on the north-west coast of the United States.

The rage was so severe the editor of the town's local newspaper, The Bremerton Sun, issued an apology after he printed the report.

"By choosing to run the story, we instead gave too much consideration to its sensational elements and too little to those in our Navy community to whom it was insensitive and unfair," The Sun's editor Scott Ware wrote in his apology." More...

4:39:34 PM    Comments ()  

Another slow day at the UC press office - in breaking news, "An Australian student is developing a way of identifying internet pages usually hidden from generalised search engines such as Google and Yahoo" If you've nothing better to read, there's more here. 4:37:21 PM    Comments ()  

Big Brother or Big Joke - The wretched "series" Big Brother is gracing our screens once more. This pathetic show puts a swag of performing dogs [inmates] in a cage [house] for our amusement. Some watch them laugh, some watch them cry, some people even watch them shower and defacate no doubt.

I was elated to see that people are betting on who will be "evicted" and then planning to foce their eviction with a barrage of "votes.

Kind of makes it all worthwhile really.

4:35:55 PM    Comments ()  

Ruth Cracknell - Many have written beautifully on the passing of Ruth yesterday. I really only knew her through Mother and Son. She played an older woman, Maggie Beare, who was loosing [or was she?] her mind. She was so funny.

I wish I'd seen her live.

4:31:00 PM    Comments ()  

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