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Friday, June 14, 2002

ORML - the more things change the more they stay the same

I noticed a couple of the bloggers had links to the MSDN show dealing with ORML. Its funny to see this topic brought up again considering that ORML has been around a good number of years. As a matter of fact I still have a copy of Asymetrix Infomodeler which is almost ten years old now. The scary thing in all of this is that the Visio datasource setup dialogs are literally the ones used by Infomodeler and tend to act in a very strange way. Talk about some sloppy code integration... Still, if you need to create a db schema and you have no idea about the subject matter ORML is a very cool way to get the job done. You basically sit down with a subject matter expert and describe the entities in fairly plain English.

8:26:12 PM    

Wal-Mart has shown that it isn't afraid to buck the trends. First it started shipping PCs without OSes, for those who didn't want to run Windows. Now it's shipping PCs with Lindows OS preinstalled. For those who don't know, Lindows is a Linux-base OS that is greatly simplified for people who are used to running Windows. In addition to working much like a Windows machine, it also ships with software that lefts you run many Windows applications on it. Clearly they aren't going to get 100% compatibility, but this is a very interesting move from the largest retailer in the U.S. The top-end PC they're shipping with Lindows is $599; it contains a Pentium 4 1.8 GHz, 256 MB of RAM, a 40 GB hard drive, a 24X CD-RW, integrated LAN and modem, and 64MB video card (monitor extra). Their low end offering is $299.

[The .NET Guy]
8:08:22 PM    

Sun plays catch up with Web services. The company, sensing it has fallen behind rivals Microsoft and IBM in Web services leadership, is launching a renewed strategy in an attempt to play catch up. [CNET] [Drew's Blog]
8:02:08 PM    

How close are you to the toxic train?. MapScience takes your address and ZIP code and tells you how far you are from the nearest nuclear waste transport route. [From the Desktop of Dane Carlson]
7:57:56 PM    

Microsoft: Performance Tips for .NET applications.

7:53:57 PM    

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