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Friday, June 28, 2002

The Technology Behind Google: "How to build an internet search engine that indexes 1-2 terabytes of data 200 million web pages- and serves it up at a rate of 1000 requests/second. (Hint: Start with a farm of 10,000+ Linux servers). The technology behind Google: company overview, search parameters and results, hardware and query load balancing, Linux cluster topology, scalability, fault tolerance, and more." [From the Desktop of Dane Carlson]
11:01:44 PM    

Who started the war? "In 711 A.D., Muslims crossed the Strait of Gibraltar (Gibraltar is actually a Western version of the Arabic name, Gebel al-Tariq) and conquered Spain. For the next 200 years, Islam would rule in Spain. In 846, Arab invaders also captured parts of Italy and threatened Rome, plundering the churches of St. Peter and St. Paul. The Muslims were never able to capture France, having lost a decisive 7-day battle at Tours in 732, but during the entire history of Islamic occupation of Spain, no bordering region was free from harrassment, pillage, rape and murder." [From the Desktop of Dane Carlson]
11:01:16 PM    

What's a method? [ John Lam's Weblog on Software Development] [Sam Gentile's Radio Weblog]
11:00:05 PM    

C# Corner : Building User Defined Controls and Components in ASP.NET
6:15:51 AM    

The Programming Soviet : What command-line zealots don't grasp is that there are computer users who are not programmers [Sam Gentile's Radio Weblog]

- Having grown up behind the Iron Curtain, I was very amused by the analogies that the writer made in this piece. And he does have some points that is true. However, and this is the big however , all the positives that he mentions do have some negatives to balance them. Primarily, as we could see from the DOJ trial papers, MS exec's at times acted as bad as any Politbureau. And Gates frequently exhibited Stalinesque qualities. As an interesting counterpoint to the picture this writer paints, I'd like to refer you to another story that gives a somewhat different perspective, as well as remind you that MS recently came out with some ridiculous notion that OS software like Linux is less secure than Windows and a threat to state security. Yes there has been progress in the past 20 years, thanks to competition and a free market place. But at the end of the day a monopoly is still a monopoly and I don't see that as a good thing. Yes I use Windows daily and wish I didn't have to support all the crap that comes with it.......

5:57:58 AM    

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