Thursday, September 4, 2003 |
QUOTE OF THE DAY "I often quote myself, it adds spice to my conversation." --George Bernard Shaw RHINO'S TV TIP Presidential Debate On Tonight The Democratic Prexy Candidates will debate Thursday in Albuquerque. It'll be televised on PBS stations tonight. (check local listings). It'll also be on Univision in Spanish on Saturday. KNOW YOUR HISTORY - SEPTEMBER 4th 1781 -- In an unassuming settlement near what is now San Gabriel, California, 46 Spanish settlers name their tiny town: "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula". Of the 46 settlers of California's second pueblo, (aka Los Angeles), 26 are recorded as blacks or mulattos. Settlers 1886 -- Legendary Apache leader, Geronimo surrenders to General Nelson A. Miles at Skeleton Canyon, Arizona, ending the last major US-Indian conflict. Geronimo had led a small band of men, women & children out of forced internment on the San Carlos reservation, successfully evading thousands of US & Mexican troops, regiments of Indian auxiliaries, & an unknown number of civilians, for over 18 months in the Southwest wilderness. In 1918, it's alleged that the shrub's grandfather, Prescott Bush, stole Geronimo's skull from his grave at Fort Sill, Oklahoma as part of his "Skull & Bones" initiation. (no joke folks) Where Are They Hiding Geronimo's Skull? by Tim Giego, Notes From Indian Country http://www.theramp.net/kohr4/geronimo_skull.html RHINO HERE: - Arnold - Arnold Schwarzenegger &/or his handlers refused to have him debate last night in the 1st of 3 recall debates because the organizers wouldn't release a preset list of questions. This has been his standard operating procedure for years in dealing with the entertainment media but some people don't accept that behavior from politicians. In fact, someone tossed an egg at him a campaign rally at Cal State University, Long Beach. When it splattered on his back an aide tried to wipe it off, but Arnold simply peeled off his coat & made his speech. Schwarzenegger egged as he opts for speech instead of debate Associated Press, 9/3/03 Arnold Egged - Arianna - Meanwhile Arianna Huffington's been calling Arnold out in several ways, including a flash animation race between Arnold in a Hummer & Arianna in a Hybrid with shrub hauling cans of gas to keep Arnold rolling. California Recall Race - Arnold Hummer VS Arianna Hybrid http://votearianna.com/movie Below are links to a telling article on what makes Arianna run, & her recent speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, in which she covers the issues at hand. Rhino should say that he disagrees with her on the Indian Casino issue. She says the Casinos within California's borders should be paying into the state kitty, especially if they're going to be kicking in millions to state political campaigns. While I understand there's a logic to that stance, I don't think she understands all the relevant history nor the future ramifications of her position. Not enough room to get into all that here but suffice it to say that for decades, none of the state governments wanted anything to do with the Indians within their borders, especially if it had anything to do with money output. They always considered Indians to be a federal "problem." Until they saw possible money input. Then there's the sovereignty issues. More on that tomorrow. The Shadow Candidate By Dean Kuipers, AlterNet , September 2, 2003 Los Angeles Times columnist Bob Scheer says that what most people don't understand about his friend and colleague Arianna Huffington is that she has the "drive of the immigrant." This translates into swift-moving passions - for Keynesian economics at Cambridge, for Republican society as the model wife to oilman Michael Huffington, for a public conversion to social liberalism as a popular columnist and best-selling author. She cares about getting the best information about any system that affects her life, and cares a lot.... http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16695 Arianna Huffington's Speech to the Commonwealth Club , August 27, 2003 http://votearianna.com/article.php?id=127 - Cruz - Then there's the Right Wing smear campaign being waged against Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamonte for his former membership in the organization known as Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán or "MEChA." Today's RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE is written by Jorge Mariscal, a professor at the University of California, San Diego, a Vietnam veteran, & former mechista. For more information on MEChA, go to: http://www.panam.edu/orgs/mecha/nat.html
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The Smearing of Bustamonte - The Far Right and Anti-Mexican Racism By Jorge Mariscal, Counterpunch, August 30, 2003 ...When student activists created the MEChA organization in April of 1969 at a conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara, it was in the context of educational reform. Numerous Chicano student organizations had already appeared as part of an emerging political consciousness among Mexican youth in the United States. Issues of access to higher education, racism, sexism, economic injustice, Cesar Chavez and the farm workers's struggle, and the war in Southeast Asia contributed to the increase in activism. Educational reformers decided that MEChA could serve to consolidate the diverse student groups under one banner. Today, former mechistas include elected officials, teachers, attorneys, doctors, publishers of business magazines, and heads of corporations. Far from being exclusionary and racist, MEChA chapters have been at the forefront of establishing coalitions with other ethnic groups (including white folks) on college and high school campuses across the country. One month before the Santa Barbara meeting, at the First Denver Youth Conference in Denver, Chicanos and Chicanas heard for the first time the "Plan espiritual de Aztlán." A plan of action that included demands for bilingual education and appeals to "love and brotherhood," the "Plan" was preceded by a lyrical prologue written by the poet Alurista. As he recounts in the PBS documentary series Chicano!, Alurista had written the prologue as a poem designed to instill ethnic pride and hope for the future. Whatever political claims might have existed in the prologue, they were imprecise at best. It is not surprising, however, that the prologue to the "Plan" is what sends right-wingers into a frenzy... READ IT ALL AT: http://www.counterpunch.org/mariscal08302003.html "RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com) Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged. SEARCH BLOG ARCHIVES / SURF RHINO'S LINKS, AT: http://www.rhinosblog.info RHINO'S OTHER WEB SITES: http://www.dreamcatchers.org (INDIGENOUS ASSISTANCE & INTERCULTURAL DIALOG) http://www.kifaru.com (NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES) Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html All copyrights belong to original publisher.
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© Copyright 2005 Gary Rhine.