Monday, September 8, 2003 |
QUOTE OF THE DAY "Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship [of the media]. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind." - - General William C. Westmoreland (U.S. military commander, 1982) KNOW YOUR HISTORY - SEPTEMBER 8th 1883 -- Hunkpapa Sioux Chief Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake), spoke at the celebration of the driving of the last spike in the Northern Pacific railroad joining with the transcontinental system. He delivered the speech in his Sioux language, departing from a speech original prepared with an army translator. Denouncing the US government, settlers & army, the listeners thought he was delivering a speech of welcome & praise. While giving the speech Sitting Bull paused for applause periodically, bowed, smiled & continued insulting & making asses of the audience & US authorities as the translator delivered the original address. RHINO HERE: Hope you had a good weekend. I didn't watch shrub last night. I think I feel better than I would have if I'd subjected myself to his blather. Is that un-P.C.? Whatever! Anyway - Monday morning Time to get to work - 2 things you can do - sometime this week, to make a difference. 1) Working Assets is aiming to register a million voters before the next election. If you or any of your friends or family need to register to vote, or change your address, or your party, you can do it online by visiting the Working Assets site and in just a few minutes, fill in your info online, print out the form, sign it, & put the stamp on. You can also quickly send emails to your lists encouraging others to do the same. Working Assets Online Voter Registration Page http://www.registrationbyworkingassets.com/WAF082 2) MoveOn has initiated a pledge to mobilize one million California voters in the recall election. They're asking everyone, no matter where you live,to sign the pledge, and to ask friends and family in California to sign the pledge, and remember to vote October 7. Here's their pitch: "If the recall succeeds, it will set a dangerous precedent for the whole country. A far-right businessman spent 1.7 million dollars to bring us the recall campaign, and has thrown California into chaos. GOP leaders who should have condemned the recall instead cheered it on, hoping they could gain from the unraveling of our democracy. We can't stand by and let this happen. These attacks on democracy are not a California issue or a Texas issue or a Florida issue -- we all must step forward together and make it clear that elections will be honored in this country. This pledge is a national effort to mobilize one million California voters in the recall election. Please sign the pledge The "Recall No! Democracy Yes!" pledge to defeat the California recall reads : IN CALIFORNIA: "I pledge to vote No Recall on October 7th. I pledge to talk to my friends and family about this dangerous challenge to democracy and to encourage as many as possible to vote on election day." NATIONWIDE: "The recall is not just a California issue -- it is an attack on American democracy. I stand with California voters who are fighting for democracy by opposing the recall." IT TAKES JUST A MINUTE - SIGN HERE: http://moveon.org/pac/recall?id=-637244-a77wbybkBqtUY5d2oXWJSw
My favorite high school teacher turned Internet News Warrior, Managing Editor of truthout.org, William Rivers Pitt is at it again. I offer you his response to shrub's Sunday night speech as today's RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE. As usual I've only provided a few paragraphs with a link, but I urge you to read it all, feel his fire, and re-commit with me to do all we can to turn things around by November 2004.
7:45:40 AM
I Believe By William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Perspective, Monday 08 September 2003 (excerpt) ...I believe that, as fantastically masturbatory as the upcoming Showtime 'docu-drama' about Bush on 9/11 may be, it cannot come close to explaining the glaring deficiencies within the accepted mantra surrounding what happened on that day. One, only one, example: The professional golfer Payne Stewart died aboard his chartered jet when the cabin suffered explosive decompression. The plane continued to fly on auto-pilot. It took the ground controllers 21 minutes to summon an F-16 fighter to come in behind the doomed jet to investigate. On September 11, there was a squadron of F-16s and a squadron of FA-18s laagered up at Andrew's Air Force Base, which sits just 12 miles from the White House. The hijacked commercial planes were in the air, and were crashing into buildings, for almost two hours before one single fighter turned a wheel and took to the sky. Payne Stewart rated a fighter in 21 minutes. Hundreds of kidnapped civilians did not rate a fighter for almost 120 minutes, until the horror was already over. The mantra for this says, "Incompetence," yet no one has been fired or even reprimanded. I want to know why. If you are someone who finds questions like this to be dangerously incendiary and conspiratorial, I would direct you to look long and hard at this document . This is a set of instructions issued from the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the 1st of June 2001, describing in minute detail the protocols and procedures to be undertaken if a plane is hijacked. Not one of these protocols, issued three months and ten days before the terror attacks, were followed. Why? I believe we as a nation are in the gravest of trouble. I believe our troubles have only just begun, and unless something is done, our troubles will come to undo this democratic experiment before too much longer. I also believe, however, in the words of Thomas Paine: "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."... READ PITT'S ELOQUENT & IMPASSIONED RESPONSE TO shrub's SPEECH AT: http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/090803A.shtml "RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com) Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged. SEARCH BLOG ARCHIVES / SURF RHINO'S LINKS, AT: http://www.rhinosblog.info RHINO'S OTHER WEB SITES: http://www.dreamcatchers.org (INDIGENOUS ASSISTANCE & INTERCULTURAL DIALOG) http://www.kifaru.com (NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES) Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html All copyrights belong to original publisher.
6:39:45 AM
© Copyright 2005 Gary Rhine.