Wednesday, September 24, 2003 |
QUOTE OF THE DAY "The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses." - - Adolf Hitler (from Mein Kampf) KNOW YOUR HISTORY - SEPTEMBER 1969 -- The Chicago 8 Conspiracy Trial begins. David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, Thomas Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, John Froines, Lee Weiner & Bobby Seale go on trial before Judge Julius Hoffman. It's a broad conspiracy trial stemming from the 1968 Democratic National Convention protests that sought (unsuccessfully) to imprison 8 of the country's leading anti-war protest organizers. http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/Chicago7/chicago7.html http://www.dnai.com/~borneo/chicago.htm RHINO HERE: I watched an incredible piece of fictional drama last night; the Showtime Cable TV movie entitled, "DC 9/11: Time Of Crisis." It was in-credible not only for what was in it, but even more so, for what was not. The movie, stars Timothy Bottoms (That's My Bush) as the shrub, and was written & produced by Lionel Chetwynd (Kissinger & Nixon) who is a conservative activist in Los Angeles film community. http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0156417 In 1 hour & 53 minutes, Mr. Chetwynd & his collaborators managed to provide their viewers with clear, simple reasoning on a multitude of begging questions about the aftermath of 9/11, including: - Why Dick Cheney disappeared for so long after the attacks - Why the attack against Afghanistan was just - Why the attack against Iraq was just - Why the CIA needed to get in bed with people & organizations who don't respect human rights - Why the FBI had to begin spying on & disrupting American schools, civic organizations & places of worship - Why the U.S. could & if necessary, should go it alone without the world's support Intercut with real footage of the historical events, (an effective "weapon of mass deception") the story as told shows shrub as a compassionate, sensitive man whose righteous anger (fed by NYC emergency personnel asking him to inflict revenge) leads him to be foolhardily courageous, listening to all his advisors, but making all the decisions himself, with all the rest of the gang falling in line behind him. It also depicts how all involved behind the closed doors of La Casa Blanca really did believe that Saddam had chem-weapons, bio-weapons & probably nukes. The musical score will have middle America tearing up at all the right plot points & Rhino guesses many viewers will be ready to greet the White House phone bank pollsters with a hearty, "Yes I support President Dubya!" Only problem is, like many "fictional films" - "based on true events" it gets it right a bit here & there but gets it just as wrong, leaving out huge amounts of what's true. For instance, nowhere in the movie was: - any depiction of shrub's continuing to read books to school kids on 9/11, even after hearing of the attacks http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0919-13.htm - any explanation of why no fighter jets scrambled even after an hour after the 1st attack & even though the The Pentagon was about to be hit http://www.unansweredquestions.net/timeline/main/essayairdefense.html - any explanation of how & why the intelligence community ignored all the warnings http://www.unansweredquestions.net/timeline/main/essaytheytriedtowarnus.html - any mention of the saudi nationals who were escorted out of the country on 9/12 http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0904-07.htm - shrubs comments about the "crusade" he was about to begin http://thehollandsentinel.net/stories/093001/new_0930010029.shtml - the pre 9/11 airline stock sales or any investigations thereof http://www.suntimes.com/output/terror/cst-fin-fbi19.html - the funding cuts to NYC police, fire & emergency medical personnel http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_report/story/11353p-10746c.html - the fake WOMD evidence & lies http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,7350504%5E2,00.html - the lack of any credible investigation of what really happened that day even 2 years after http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/local/6836362.htm JUST TO NAME A FEW RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE contains 2 pieces today. So may secrets. So few investigations.
6:56:56 AM
Bush's Saudi Connections - And why this is a crucial issue in 2004 By Michael Steinberger, The American Prospect, 10/1/03 Saudi Arabia is the wellspring of radical Islam, its primary source of sustenance and inspiration. Yet, since September 11, the Bush administration has consistently ducked the truth about Riyadh's role in nurturing terrorism -- and concealed the truth as well. Given the many business and personal ties binding the president, his family and his associates to the House of Saud, George W. Bush's see-no-evildoer attitude toward the Saudis is a vulnerability just begging to be exploited by the Democrats. And they need to do so if they hope to recapture the presidency next year.... ALL AT: http://www.prospect.org/print/V14/9/steinberger-m.html How the Bush Family Wealth is Linked to the Jewish Holocaust by Toby Rogers, www.globalresearch.ca, 9 September 2003 Throughout the Bush family's decades of public life, the American press has gone out of its way to overlook one historical fact - that through Union Banking Corporation (UBC), Prescott Bush, and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, along with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, financed Adolf Hitler before and during World War II. It was first reported in 1994 by John Loftus and Mark Aarons in The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. The US government had known that many American companies were aiding Hitler, like Standard Oil, General Motors and Chase Bank, all of which was sanctioned after Pearl Harbor. But as The New York Times reporter Charles Higham later discovered, and published in his 1983 ground breaking book, Trading With The Enemy; The Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949, "the government smothered everything during and even after the war." Why?... A LENGTHY, DETAILED & IMPORTANT ALLEGATION POSTED AT: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/ROG309A.html "RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com) Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged. SEARCH BLOG ARCHIVES / SURF RHINO'S LINKS, AT: http://www.rhinosblog.info RHINO'S OTHER WEB SITES: http://www.dreamcatchers.org (INDIGENOUS ASSISTANCE & INTERCULTURAL DIALOG) http://www.kifaru.com (NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES) Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html All copyrights belong to original publisher.
6:46:20 AM
© Copyright 2005 Gary Rhine.