Tuesday, September 9, 2003 |
QUOTE OF THE DAY "And so we come, with hope and hammers. Hope -- that God's good creation might not be destroyed. Hammers, that the cries of the victims might be given form by our deeds. Hope, that the murder of millions of innocent lives might be thwarted. Hammers, that we might give shape to our refusal of complicity with this genocidal injustice. Hope, that our act will be repeated at other sites of war-making and death by all who love peace, love life. Hammers, that we might beat this nuclear sword into a plowshare. 'I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your children may live' (Deut. 30:l9) With this act of disarmament we reject the State's law of death, and choose God's law of life, for ourselves, for our children, for our world. From The Statement Of The Plowshares Four (Nov. 14, 1982) KNOW YOUR HISTORY - SEPTEMBER 9th 1980 -- Eight activists from the Atlantic Life Community, including Phil Berrigan, hammer on the nose cone of a missile at the General Electric plant in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. This is the first of what becomes an international movement of many dozens of "Plowshares" anti-nuclear direct actions. http://www.plowsharesactions.org RHINO HERE: As I said yesterday, I didn't watch shrub Sunday night. I went instead to the theatrical performance of "August 29th", which tells the story of Chicano journalist Reuben Salazar. If you're in L.A., try to see this before it closes, September 21st, RSVP: (323) 263-7684 MORE INFO AT: http://radio.weblogs.com/0103207/2003/08/29.html I get a lot of email from the Rhino's Blog family (if you're reading this - you're a member), and sometimes, I look at what y'all write & I say, "I can't do better", so I turn over the blog duties for a day. Today is such a day, so, I give you reactions to shrub's speech by Ben Cohen, Michael Malcolm & an excellent political & psychological analysis as only the human known as "the weasel hunter " can provide. Enjoy. Comments On Shrub's 9/7 Speech By by Ben Cohen Rather than admitting the shortcomings of his failed policy and plotting a course to get us out of Iraq, George Bush used the speech to the nation to repeat his lies in the hopes that people will believe them if said often enough. There was no mention of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Bush continued to equate Iraq with al-Qaeda terrorists even though there's no factual basis for the charge, and then he asked us for another $87 BILLION to bail him out. How much is $87 billion? For that amount of money, America could: - Solve the school budget crisis in every one of our communities, OR - Provide health insurance for every uninsured American child for 15 years, OR - Provide food for all 6 million of the children who die from hunger around the world for 7 years. A day of protest is being planned for October 25 in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles and places in between. For information about these events, go to: http://www.truemajority.org/ctt.asp?u=2497&l=112 Sincerely, Ben Cohen President, TrueMajority.org / Co-Founder, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream + "A worried-looking George W. Bush...The expression on his face suggested anxiety..." Tom Shales in Monday's Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40242-2003Sep7.html Comments On Shrubs 9/7 Speech by Michael Malcolm No doubt about it, that old "deer in the headlights" look is back, and fear rules the vineyard once again. So what does Bush fear? * Recent cratering in the polls which doom him never truly to be elected president? * A burgeoning consensus that his foreign policy is in fact "a miserable failure"? * That the French and Germans will neither forgive and forget, nor pony up to pull our chestnuts out of the fire? * That the people will notice he isn't wearing any clothes? and/or * That abandonment of the policies of his Neocon mentors and puppet masters will trigger their latent Leninist reflexes, set off a round of purges, and send his administration spiraling into a morass of recrimination, back-biting and disarray? "Outfox him, ferret him out, and hound him 'til he drops", the weasel hunter. In the interests of public safety, the weasel hunter will follow the weasel, George W. Bush, Jr., his regime, and the path of its coup d'etat with Weasel Tracks, periodic dispatches from the field. -the weasel hunter What Makes Georgie Run? Lately, I have found myself in conversations in which the personalities of various candidates have intruded into the currently serious landscape of power politics. In California, Gray Davis really is a sleazy guy and Lt. Governor Bustamante is just a prematurely tired party hack. Nationally, John Kerry is a business as usual liberal and Howard Dean has unsettling pockets of conservatism. Kucinich is a cool guy. To all, I growl and say, "Personalities are irrelevant. We have to stop the right-wing attack on California, and we have to get George Bush out of office. Just stop the California recall or get Bustamante in there." Nationally, Kerry & Dean represent the Northeast power bloc. If you read the NY Times, you see that the northeast is very angry at George Bush. So extreme was his (advisors) agenda, that Georgie fucked with the money people on Wall Street. So good, let the Northeast power bloc throw Georgie out. Team up Kerry and Dean and go for it. They can do it. But my personalities are irrelevant. Diatribe is NOT dialectic. Of course, personalities play into this critical drama. People in power to tend to project the microcosm of their interior lives onto the realm over which they rule. Given the extent and abuse of his power, regardless of who's pulling the strings it is important to know: What makes Georgie run? It is difficult to find a learned answer to that question. Although the American press is protected by the First Amendment, it is rarely celebrated for its depth and candor. For example, how many Americans have read a psychological profile of their President? Here are excerpts from a profile done by a Brit. -the weasel hunter
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So George, how do you feel about your mom and dad? by Oliver James ,The Guardian, Tuesday September 2, 2003 As the alcoholic George Bush approached his 40th birthday in 1986, he had achieved nothing he could call his own. He was all too aware that none of his educational and professional accomplishments would have occured without his father. He felt so low that he did not care if he lived or died. Taking a friend out for a flight in a Cessna aeroplane, it only became apparent he had not flown one before when they nearly crashed on take-off. Narrowly avoiding stalling a few times, they crash-landed and the friend breathed a sigh of relief - only for Bush to rev up the engine and take off again. Not long afterwards, staring at his vomit-spattered face in the mirror, this dangerously self-destructive man fell to his knees and implored God to help him and became a teetotalling, fundamentalist Christian. David Frum, his speechwriter, described the change: "Sigmund Freud imported the Latin pronoun id to describe the impulsive, carnal, unruly elements of the human personality. [In his youth] Bush's id seems to have been every bit as powerful and destructive as Clinton's id. But sometime in Bush's middle years, his id was captured, shackled and manacled, and locked away."... What Makes Georgie Run? READ THE REST AT: http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,1033771,00.html "RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com) Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged. SEARCH BLOG ARCHIVES / SURF RHINO'S LINKS, AT: http://www.rhinosblog.info RHINO'S OTHER WEB SITES: http://www.dreamcatchers.org (INDIGENOUS ASSISTANCE & INTERCULTURAL DIALOG) http://www.kifaru.com (NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES) Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html All copyrights belong to original publisher.
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© Copyright 2005 Gary Rhine.