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The FuzzyBlog!

September 2002
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Updated: 10/1/2002; 7:13:53 AM.


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Scott/Male/31-35. Lives in United States/MA/Boston/Nahant, speaks English. Spends 80% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Open Source / PHP/Cooking.

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 Friday, September 20, 2002

Blogitecture Revisited

A week or two ago I referenced re-architecting this blog into one master blog (this one) with everything and several topical blogs.  As with everything, things take longer than you'd like but with a little help from Lawrence Lee of UserLand (thanks man) I have a good start on it.  If you want a preview of what this looks like then see: 

All these sub blogs will be done with Radio so you can even access a specific RSS feed like this:  

RSS Feed       

I've pretty much done the Radio theme for this blog although I need to add my blog roll of course and a few other things (like add a search engine).  Still it's a good preview of what's to come.  Leave me comments here, pro or con, comments on the theme (courtesy of the wonderful Bryan Bell), etc.  Thanks.   

6:58:12 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Pictures of the Day

A Sandy Day - 1

A Sandy Day - 2

It'll be a slow day here today as I'm out doing some personal business.  But, if you are looking for a really good laugh, go here and do what he says about Google (or just use this link Do It.  The 1st and 6th responses are hilarious).  Bala's a smart guy and it's worth checking out his blog. 

6:12:13 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

If You Live in Massachusetts and Have AT&T Digital Broadband

My broadband service has been intermittently up and down since roughly 2:00 today.  I just spoke with AT&T Broadband technical support who:

  1. Confirmed that there was scheduled maintenance.
  2. Said "We don't know when it will be up".
  3. When I asked about a rebate for the down time, they told me that "If you call back within 24 hours then we will credit you for the down time".  I asked "I have to call back for this?".  Answer: "Yes".

What utter and complete hogwash and bullsh*t.  There is absolutely no reason on god's green earth why I have to call back for the rebate -- AT&T is the one doing the maintenance.  They know what homes are affected just by analyzing the maintenance logs.  So apparently the new rule of thumb for AT&T is "If you don't notice that we don't provide what you pay for then you still get charged for it". 

FCC ? Hello ?  Regulators ?  Can you buy a clue ?  In the immortal words of Pink Floyd: "Is there anybody out there?  Is there anybody home?"

Absolutely pathetic.

Oh and here's the number to call for the rebate:

866 447 7333

But you need to be prepared for a variety of annoying and pathetic phone delays before you'll get thru to a person.  Swearing at the voice mail system loudly and vociferously is recommended.  Swearing at the customer service representative is not.

3:43:47 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   


Ah, yes.  My old friend Insomnia has come back to visit.  How my I blog thee?  Let me count the ways.  This would be one.  Another post would be two.  And so on.  I guess these past few days of sleeping 6 and 7 continuous hours has been just a tease.

PS -- there's something just plain not fair about having Insomnia and then discovering that you have no outbound connectivity.  Nothing like a) Not having DNS and b) Not getting farther than your ISP's gateway.  Computing with only local resources these days is like sex with your clothes on -- possible but not a lot of fun.

2:26:36 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This