Marketing 101. Consulting 101. PHP Consulting. Random geeky stuff. I Blog Therefore I Am.

The FuzzyBlog!

September 2002
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Updated: 10/1/2002; 7:13:59 AM.


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 Thursday, September 26, 2002

If You Emailed Me Today ...

Due to a DNS migration there's a fair to middling chance that it may have gotten bounced back to you or, worse, vanished into the great digital void.  If you have any questions at all, please feel free to resend your message.  

5:28:33 PM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Looks Like Martha's Gonna Get It ...

From the Hartford Courant courtesy of Google News:

NEW YORK -- Shares of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. fell in early trading today after a published report said an assistant at Merrill Lynch & Co. has agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and testify against Martha Stewart and others in the federal investigation of stock sales in ImClone Systems last year.

My July article and analysis on Martha is here.

3:09:14 PM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

So What's Inappropriate for the FuzzyBlog?

Someone just (and I mean just!) im'd me and said "Define Inappropriate".  Oh boy.  Well that brings up the issue of why I blog.  Here's why:

  • Enjoyment.  I just happen to enjoy it.
  • Self Promotion.  My blog is a big part of the marketing for my business, The FuzzyGroup, and will continue to be so.
  • Personal Knowledge Management.  Blogs are one of the single most effective knowledge management tools I've seen in years (heck, ever).  By providing a browser based authoring tool and persistent fully bookmarkable repository that just happens to be coupled to the global community, they provide a great way to capture knowledge.  Given that I'm a knowledge worker and find that most efforts to capture my day to day knowledge have failed, I'm very likely to blog stuff as much for my future use as for someone else's.  If I see a CSS tip and I blog it, it's a good bet that I'll use it in the future.  Now that my blogs are searchable thanks to mnoGoSearch, this will only be easier for me.
  • Meet people.  Always a good thing.

So that's mostly why I blog.  Given that at least a major reason I blog is economic (if you are a consultant, anything that establishes your credibility more will lead to more business down the road even if it's not directly measurable), it's a pretty good bet that anything that would turn off customers won't be blogged here.  So, for example, you won't find my views on politics, guns, abortion, sex or religion here.  You might find them on my personal blog but that's not guaranteed; I'm kinda a live and let live guy and feel that those things are fairly private.  I'd also define inappropriate as similar to obscenity or "I know it when I see it".

So what topics does that leave?  Well pretty much most everything.  And the characteristic blog randomness will definitely creep in, even to the sub blogs from time to time.  For example, here are a great set of tips for buying a car.  Thanks Dane!  Dane's also the creator of Webloggers for Hire, definitely worth checking out. 


8:15:38 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Poppa's Got a Whole New Blog ! or Blogitecture Revisted

Well my efforts as a "Blogitect" are finally starting to pay off.  I've structured this blog into a number of sub blogs such as High Tech Marketing 101, "Less Geeky Scott" (topics that might possibly be of interest to people who know me but aren't on the geekier side of life and others.  The templates aren't totally done for all the sub blogs (the intended look and feel is what's here and one High Tech Marketing 101.  Each of the sub blogs is RSS subscribable with a standard radio url of url/rss.xml.  If you like reading the current melange of widely varied content then "stay tuned to this bat channel".  If, for example, you are only interested in my thoughts on Open Source or Marketing or X, see the links at right to "My Blogs".  And, if you are thinking something like "Oh crap -- will Scott actually be able to fill these effectively?".  All I can say is stay tuned.  I suspect so but time will tell.  The only times when something won't appear here is when I feel it's just plain in appropriate for my main blog.  For example, I didn't blog my comments on Tuesday's Buffy premiere to here -- that went to my new personal blog

I'd really like to blog tribute pieces for some of the Radio, CSS and Javascript techniques I learned along the way from people like Kryogenix, Simon, Jake, Lawrence, Paolo, Keith and Scott but I'm just too damn tired (it's a deadline week in spades and cubed with honey mustard sauce on top of it all).  These links will have to do for now but I will try and document some of the tricks I learned.  Oh and if you view this blog in Mozilla, it looks even better than it does it IE.  Mozilla really does rock.

It'll be a slow day here I suspect but if you do nothing else today.  If you visit no other sites then you must, just must view this site: The Assotron.  Sadly this blog seems not to be assotron able.  But Moxie, who is an absolute joy to read, can be assotroned.  Thanks to Jake for actually making me laugh like the goon that I am at 5 am no less when he showed this to me.

7:22:21 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This