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November 2002
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Updated: 12/1/2002; 8:00:28 AM.

My Newest Product!

  • Makes email not suck!
  • Works with Outlook
  • Eliminates Spam
  • Color Codes Your Email


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 Thursday, November 07, 2002

Inbox Buddy .907 Is Up

Well those frothy good anti-spam routines in Inbox Buddy just keep on getting better.  We released .907 a day or two ago but I wanted to let it settle out before I mentioned it.  We've also made the inevitable small changes.  It's good so feel free to download away.  [ Go ]

On a positive note we got some excellent feedback from someone who's so happy he actually wants to buy a copy.  Talk about making my Wednesday.  Very, very cool.

And on a funny, or disgusting, note I began my day yesterday by reviewing our rule set for Inbox Buddy's pornography detection.  We treat Porn much more aggressively than other types of email; our lead engineer has a young daughter and he doesn't want her to ever get one of those wonderful "Bestial*" or "Rape*" emails.  At the end of it?  I actually felt dirty.  And I'm not prudish at all.  I just haven't seen such an interesting set of keywords in a long, long time.  Sigh.  And so it goes.

Note: Our rules for porn spam actually work very well right now but they're too complex and difficult to extend hence the revision.  I haven't seen a porn email in months now.  One of the ways we test this is I use my own email address liberally on the Internet, giving it to spammers fairly freely.  This guarantees that I get a lot of spam but that's a great testbed for Inbox Buddy.

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