Marketing 101. Consulting 101. PHP Consulting. Random geeky stuff. I Blog Therefore I Am.

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November 2002
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Updated: 12/1/2002; 8:00:43 AM.

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 Thursday, November 28, 2002

It's a Girl !!!

I just heard from my Inbox Buddy partner in crime and all around outstanding dad that he's a dad again!  The long awaited "Inbox Baby" is now here:

Her name is Breanna Marie Giedt (and this posting will get her into Google shortly -- imagine that just a few weeks old and already in Google), she arrived at 6:15 PM on 11/27/2002 and she's 8 lbs 11 ounces.  And I couldn't have asked for nicer news on thanksgiving.

Note: And, yes Virginia, I will leave the keyboard for thanksgiving dinner but I'm hard at work on some code and not going to see far off family, just friends, hence the very productive day (nice and quiet).

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Pretty Damn Cool: BlogStreet

I just checked out BlogStreet and I have to say that it's pretty damn cool.  I know Veer one of the authors via IM from India and periodically he pops onto my radar with a new BlogStreet feature and says "Is it ready yet?".  Using my mighty "bermuda triangle of software bugs" power I give it a whirl and he very nicely takes the feedback.  He and I just spoke again and there are several new Blogstreet features, BlogStreet icons and more.  More on this next week when people are reading again.  Until then it's worth a definite look.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Although it goes without saying to the U.S. folks here, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  I think I'm online this weekend but not really sure (heck I never go anywhere anyway so I'm almost certainly online but I may be coding).

8:00:39 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Just Too Funny

I may have blogged this a few months ago but I just got a good chuckle out of it:

In the beginning, the file was void, and without text. The Programmer brought text to the file by saying "Let there be hello world" and there was hello world, and it was good. But soon hello world was not as good as it once was, and the Programmer said "let there be change!" And where there once was static content in the file, there was now variable content. Beholding the creation, the Programmer was happy, and all was well... [ Go ]

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