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November 2002
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Updated: 12/1/2002; 8:00:39 AM.

My Newest Product!

  • Makes email not suck!
  • Works with Outlook
  • Eliminates Spam
  • Color Codes Your Email


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 Saturday, November 23, 2002

What a Great Morning

Wow.  It's actually been a good morning so far.  Now I know that waking at 5:07 on a Saturday and answering message board postings isn't most people's idea of fun.  But it made my day.  Why?  Because it shows that a) people are using Inbox Buddy and b) that people like the product.  That's wicked cool.  So I read and replied to every single posting and we got a lot of good feature ideas including confirmation on some internal ideas that we kicked back without confirmation.  Very, very, very cool.  Thanks everyone. We'll definitely be pushing more and more of the Inbox Buddy stuff through the discussion forums so feel free to stop by.  Let us know what works, what doesn't work and what you want.  Now that the product is shipping we'll increasingly drive the feature set based on input from real live users.  [ Go ]

There's also an interesting thread about why we went with a subscription style pricing model where I talk about that and what features coming down the pike will take advantage of that.  At least one person noted that he'd like more than Spam to justify that (since Spam Assassin is free) and we do have designs on that.  Let me know what you think. [ Go ]

Oh and on a personal note, my life continues to become even more of a farse with an interesting aspect of the road runner creeping in -- I'm the coyote.  So far I've been hit with the anvil, the acme bomb, run off the cliff, been hit with a car and more.  But you just have to laugh.  And the current set of trials are drawing to a close.  That's not to say that bad things won't continue to happen but perhaps they'll be different and interesting instead of all in the same theme.

7:01:43 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Picture of the Day: Anyone Need a 486?

This just made me laugh:

[ Go Picture ] [ Go Text ]

6:52:55 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This