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November 2002
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Updated: 12/1/2002; 8:00:45 AM.

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 Saturday, November 30, 2002

How to Not use CC and BCC

Sigh.  At least 30 years into the world of email and CC / BCC is still a mystery to folks.  Eszter has good comments on how to use cc / bcc on her blog today.  [ Go ]   Problems like this are common enough that we actually built features into Inbox Buddy to prevent it.  Here's one of the ways it works -- the logic checks if you exist in the to or cc fields on a Reply All to make sure that you aren't replying to people other than the sender when you reply.   A lot of times people inadvertently do a reply all when they get a message that their boss Bcc'd them thus getting their boss into trouble.

The lead developer of Inbox Buddy and I once shared a common boss at Dataware, Charlie Rabie, who was notorious for Bcc's.  I think his motto may have been "there's no email I can't bcc my subordinates on".  And the lack of this feature got folks into trouble more than a few times.

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What a Wonderful Feeling

I know that by admitting this I'll be forever branded a geek, a dork, a nerd, a dweeb.  No matter -- I've pretty much worn that appellation my whole life.  So here goes:

  1. You roll out of bed far too early.
  2. Groggy and with those crusty eyes that barely open you a) feed the cats and b) stagger towards "Shower ..." thinking thoughts a rate generally exceeded by Neanderthal man.  Perhaps even small lizards think faster at that moment.
  3. The light goes on (you fed the cats by touch in the dark) and the water begins.
  4. You slide underneath and cognitive functioning resumes.
  5. All of a sudden the lightbulb appears and it blinds you with a) the solution to the coding problem you had last night and b) a whole new cool feature to implement.
  6. You're at the keyboard about 10 minutes later and you start documenting it and planning it out.

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