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Updated: 4/1/2003; 9:40:25 AM.

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 Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Sorry about the Quiet

I was heads down today on all kinds of stuff.  Some of you have seen the new url.  If you know it, feel free to use it.  If not, use the old one until tomorrow.

I got some great news today and I'll be sharing it tomorrow / friday.  Its a good endorsement of [NewNameHere].  Just grokking it a bit first.

8:01:03 PM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Go Simon or Please, Please Ping

Simon just posted this:

Blogs I would read a lot more often if only they pinged when they updated:

Without pings, they languish at the bottom of my blogroll where I won't notice or visit them. My blogroll is my only mechanism for keeping track of the blogs that I read regularly - aggregators just don't do it for me, and with tabbed browsing my blogroll is almost as efficient for staying up to date.

It doesn't have to be - a ping to would be just as effective. [_Go_]

Simon is definitely on point here at least from the {InsertNewNameHere] perspective of my new RSS search engine.  We index in two ways but more frequently via monitoring  We'll probably set up our own ping interface and hook to the info if we can but getting into just makes sense. 

9:43:46 AM      Google It!   comment []    IM Me About This   

Very Cool: Zeev's Going to Be at PHPCON

Zeev Suraski, CTO and Co-Founder of Zend, is set to close PHPCon East's program with a keynote address on PHP5, Zend Engine 2 and the Future of PHP. Suraski's work in PHP has led to many rewrites and redesigns including the creation of the Zend Engine which powers PHP 4.0 and the design of other crucial PHP 4.0 components such as a server subtraction layer and multithreading support. [_Go_]

More on PHPCON

Note: I'm hugely biased in favor of the conference since a) they're all good folks and b) I am a paid speaker and teaching a class on php.  Make of that as you will.

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