15 September 2002

Another grey Sunday at the tail end of a grey Irish summer, surely an award-winner in the dubious gallery of the Worst Irish Summer in Living Memory competition. As a transplanted Californian, I find the weather is one of the worst things about living here, although in other years it is usually more than marginally offset by the superb Guinness and high-quality verbal repartee. In Dublin we only average 3.9 hours of sun a day anyway, but this "summer" has passed with almost nary a dry or uncloudy day from June thru August. Sigh. The upside? No doubt the weather accounts for the unusually high level of artistic creativity you find over the centuries on this small island -- music, literature, artists...! Sure, what else is there to do but stay in by the fire and do something artsy...? :^)

7:15:05 PM  #   your two cents []
Sheesh!: Adult media company wants Napster name. Private Media Group seeks domain for trading system [InfoWorld: Top News]
9:51:03 AM  #   your two cents []
The inevitable arrives -- Linux-based hack attacks. For a long time Linux was off the hook on malevolent attacks -- people go after M$ for nasty fun and profit, not open source software, don't they? Setting up a P2P attack network seems pretty frightening, given the potential strength of a distributed attack. Linux worm creating P2P attack network. <<A new worm that attacks Linux Web servers compromises more than 3,500 machines, creating a rogue peer-to-peer network that has been used to flood other computers with data. >>[CNET News.com]
9:44:08 AM  #   your two cents []