Sense and censorship. Shanghai dispatch: The Chinese government's lifting of a ban on the internet search engine Google means that the nation's media are freer than they have been for 50 years, writes John Gittings. [Guardian Unlimited]
4:25:25 PM # your two cents []
4:25:25 PM # your two cents []
Tesco invades more territory...: Web grocer goes to new markets. <<In a move to capitalize on what it sees as a boom in grocery shopping at home, British grocer Tesco expands its U.S. online operations to include Southern California.>> [CNET]
4:23:55 PM # your two cents []
4:23:55 PM # your two cents []
The FT: ", the internet travel agency, on Monday confounded sceptics by saying it would achieve its first underlying quarterly profit this month."
8:42:42 AM # your two cents []
8:42:42 AM # your two cents []
Open Source Art? "The Whitney has put online an exhibit where viewers are encouraged to examine the source code of the program that generates the art, despite the fact that the majority of viewers have no idea what the code means. Projects use Java, C, Perl, Lingo, and VB." [Slashdot]
8:34:03 AM # your two cents []
8:34:03 AM # your two cents []
Bribes, threats and naked readings. <<In a world where more and more new books get less and less attention, authors will do anything to promote their work.>> []
8:32:42 AM # your two cents []
8:32:42 AM # your two cents []
Big trouble in the world of "Big Physics". <<Six months ago, Jan Hendrik Schön seemed like a slam dunk nominee for a Nobel prize. Then some of his colleagues started to take a closer look at his research.>> []
8:32:08 AM # your two cents []
8:32:08 AM # your two cents []
Sheesh. Australians are 20 times more likely to be phone-tapped and bugged than Americans...
8:30:34 AM # your two cents []
8:30:34 AM # your two cents []
Declan McCullough asks: "Why does the White House refuse to tell Microsoft to get tough on security?" Well, hey, why indeed. Why don't we just threaten to send in some UN inspectors to Redmond so that the global population knows exactly what they are doing in there. Enough of the avoidance manoeuvres and excuse-mongering from Gates & Co. Clearly not just US national but international security and stability is at risk if this tyrannical, rogue company isn't dealt with before it's too late.
8:28:43 AM # your two cents []
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