Updated: 7/14/02; 10:07:59 PM.
The Daily Blog
Network Computing Site News and Stuff

Sunday, March 3, 2002

Good morning everyone. Here's a rundown of this week's site specials.

Compare IT: Web-Hosting Services
To help you select the right hosting partner, Compare IT has assembled a head-to-head comparison of top service providers, including Quest, Savvis Communications and WorldCom.

CEO Minute: Asita Technologies
Part of the fun of maintaining a corporate network is the thankless task of integrating disparate security products. If you're looking for an easier way, tune in to hear our interview with Asita CEO Wayne Channon. He'll talk you through the ins and outs of scaling best-of-breed security solutions.

TechQuiz on Linux Authentication
Take our test, and if you're among the experts on this topic who correctly answer all the questions, you could win a cool Network Computing collectible.

In the Trenches
By and about IT professionals, In the Trenches focuses on real-life challenges you face on the job. If you have a story about developing enterprise service and support strategies at your company, send it our way. If we like it, we'll publish it in an upcoming issue.

Network Design Manual: The Essential Guide to Storage Area Networks
Check out part 1 of our latest book excerpt on SAN installation and deployment. It's a must-read chapter on the complexities of maintaining data storage.

2002 White Paper Awards: Call for Papers
Vendors, if you think you have a winning white paper, send it our way. Together with our partner, Bitpipe, we've assembled a panel of industry experts to assess each paper's editorial quality, presentation and user utility. Winners will be lauded on June 26 at ITWorldCanada's White Paper Warehouse IT Conference in Toronto. But hurry, the deadline for submission is May 14.

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 10:32:54 PM   comment on this post  >>[]

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