Updated: 7/14/02; 10:08:11 PM.
The Daily Blog
Network Computing Site News and Stuff

Thursday, March 14, 2002

Advertising wants to be free, sort of

If you've been following our recent coverage of the Trillian Vs. AOL fiasco, you're sure to sense that there's more at stake here than free (or in this case, ad free) access to global services like the AOL IM network. It's all about whether or not a company like AOL has the right to control a technology/service of its own creation.

Continuing the debate, today we've posted an article by Mike DeMaria, who has taking up the side of AOL, claiming that indeed a company (any company) has the right to secure its ability to realize profits. Check it out and draw your own conclusions. Oh, and if you want to send the author any hate or love mail, be our guest. You can find him at mdemaria@nwc.com.

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 3:04:52 PM   comment on this post  >>[]

CeBIT on-site report, day one

Alternate title: The musings of a non-cigarette smoking man.

Our trusty world traveler, Ron Anderson, has been busy trolling the floors at what he considers to be the world's largest trade show, CeBIT, from which he's submitted a very nice show report. It's complete with pictures of some nifty hardware as well as some keen insight into the european culture of smoking.

We expect to see a second installment from Ron tomorrow, assuming he can see through the haze enough to type.

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 11:01:00 AM   comment on this post  >>[]

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