Just a quick congratulations to today's Biometrics TechQuiz winner Bruce Bina. Friday's the last chance to win a USB security token of your own, so give it a go. On Monday, we'll have a new quiz on threat management...a security quiz a day keeps the black hats at bay, apparently.
There's only one thing perhaps more complicated than Microsoft's License 6.0, that's Web Services. And there's only one thing more complicated than that...Web Services Definition Language (WSDL). So it's no surprise that when an editor capable of cutting through the chaos comes along that developers would immediately hit the download button. that's what our own Lori MacVittie did, when she happened upon Cape Clear's freely available WSDL Editor. According to Lori:
An editor makes life nice. :-) Especially since most web services toolkits include a utility to take as input a WSDL file and output the shell of an application to make use of the services described with the WSDL file. It's just like cheatin', as we used to say when we'd find a dev tool that made life easy.
"People are out there looking for information. They're always looking for new ways to get at that information. In many cases, you can deal with it with tools, but it always comes down to procedures and your people."