If you missed going to N+I in Atlanta this week, don't worry, we're building up some show coverage for you, which we'll have here hopefully tonight. Until then, we have the winners from this year's Best of Interop awards for you. These awards honor those products that truly forward the state of networking technology...not an easy feat, especially with criteria set down by our staff of editors. Our congratulations go out to these lucky winners:
- Enterprise Network Infrastructure -- 2C Computing, Inc., Cstation B1000-HP, Booth 1561
- Network Management -- OPNET Technologies, Inc., IT Guru 9.0 with ACE Module, Booth 821
- Performance Enhancement, Test and Measurement -- Spirent Communications, Web Avalanche 1832, Version 4, Booth 2235
- Security -- Internet Security Systems, RealSecure Desktop Protector 3.5, Booth 2045
- Wireless Technologies -- Symbol Technologies, Inc., Mobius Wireless System, Booth 421
- Best Start-Up -- 2C Computing, Inc., Cstation B1000-HP, Booth 1561
- Best Of Show Grand Prize Winner -- Symbol Technologies, Inc., Mobius Wireless System, Booth 421
You can find past winners, read the entry criteria, and read more about the award categories.
Posted by Brad Shimmin at 11:57:04 AM